Chapter 11

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"No, no, no!" Walter said irritated, "What's up with you guys? We've been over this a hundred times!" The boys just couldn't dance right anymore, there was too much on their minds. "Okay let's try this again!" The boys got back into their starting positions, the music came on and the boys started to dance. They were doing good so far until Roc and Princeton had to dance next to each other, Princeton bumped into Roc on accident, "Can you watch what the fuck you're doing?" said Roc irritated. "Dude I said I'm sorry!" said Princeton.

"Whatever just shut up."

"Hold on who the hell are you talking to?"

"You punk ass!"

"Don't make me smack the shit out of you!"

"Do it! I dare you!"

Princeton lunged forward, thankfully Ray caught him. "Guys stop it!" Ray shouted over the music, "Both of ya'll!" Walter stopped the music and asked, "What is going on here?"

"Nothing," Ray replied, "Just some brother conflict. They're good." Ray faced Princeton and Roc and said, "Right?" They both shook their heads and got back into the starting positions. Roc and Princeton didn't bump into each other, it was all good until Prodigy's phone rang. "Wait, stop!" he shouted over the music, "I have to take this." He ran out into the bathroom across the hall and answered his phone, it was Chad.

"Hey Chad. What's up?" Prodigy said nervous.

"I was just checkin' up on ya. So is it workin' for ya?"

"Oh yeah, it helped a lot! But um...see, I'm running out."

"You runnin' out? Dat was s'ppose to last a month, damn nigga! You been stressin' dat bad?"

"Yeah, and I need more."

"A'right, a'right, a'right. I gotchu, swing by the trap today an' I'll hook you up."

"Thanks man."

Prodigy got off the phone with Chad and went back to the dance room, "Was that Mom?" Ray asked, "No." he replied. "Was it Dad?" Princeton asked, "No." he replied again. "Who was it?" Roc asked, "It was...Bahja. Yeah, she told me her and the girls were doing fine." Everyone shrugged and went back to dancing.

With the same tension in the room as it was before.

*After Dance Class*

Class was over for the boys and they had nothing else to do,  "Man I'm hungry!" said Prodigy, "You wanna get some chinese food from across the street?" asked Ray. "Hell yeah! Let's go." They were headed to the restaurant when they noticed Roc wasn't behind them, "Where's Roc?" Ray asked. "He said he would stay behind and wait for Zoe." Princeton said. So they continued to the restaurant.

Roc looked in every doorway he passed down the hall, he was looking for Zoe. If he couldn't have her, he could atleast see her. There she was, in the studio with her friend, Nadji Jeter. "Okay, go." Nadji said, she began to sing Tamar Braxton's song Love and War. Roc was amazed, she had a beautiful voice for such a skinny girl.  He was in love even more, "Hey Roc!" she said realizing he was there, he jumped and said, "Oh hey Zoe!" She stepped out the booth to greet him, "This is my friend Nadji Jeter." she said, "Nadji, this is Roc."

"Hey." said Nadji.

"What's up?" Roc replied.

"Zoe, we gotta go. " said Nadji.

"Oh, yeah!" she said grabbing her bag, "We have an acting gig to go to, tell the boys I said hi!"

"Oh. Okay." said Roc. He was about to leave until he saw Zoe's hand in front of him with a piece of paper, "Here's my number. Call me." Roc's heart almost came out of his mouth, he just got her number without even trying to! He got his crush's number! He took the paper from her hand and they left. Roc went outside to where the boys were parked and got in the car with a smile on his face, "Where's Zoe?" Ray asked stuffing his face with an egg roll, "Oh, she had an acting gig to go to."

"Aw! Dang!" said Princeton

Then Roc came up with a cruel idea, he took out the number Zoe gave him and said, "She told me to call her tonight." Ray took the paper out his hand, "Yep, all seven digits," he said and gave it back. "Ooh! My little brother a player!" Prodigy said. Princeton said nothing, he wanted to but then he would give away the surprising fact that Zoe liked him. However, Roc thought he was silent because he was mad the fact that Zoe was playing the same game as Princeton.

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