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After her date with Andrew, Mae had a quick debrief with the two boys

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After her date with Andrew, Mae had a quick debrief with the two boys. It seemed everyone had had at least one solid date they wanted to build on, and on that note, Mae made her way upstairs to get ready for the evening. The girls chatted away in the dressing room as they did their makeup. 

"How were your dates then Mae?" Paige asked the girl after the others had talked about their own. 

"To be totally honest, the one with Jaques was like," she made a 'sheesh' noise as the girls laughed. "I think Dami is my type, but obviously he's pursuing other options, so for me, the main POA is to keep chatting with Jaques." The girl then turned to Paige. "I'm sorry if that puts you in an awkward situation-"

"Oh no hun," she cut the blonde off. "Like me and Nathan are getting on more than me and Jaques did, so he's all yours." The two girls laughed for a moment together, before getting dressed and heading downstairs. The islanders gathered to grab their drinks, before the group started splintering off. 

Mae went to follow Indiyah, Gemma, and Paige to the fire pit when someone grabbed her hand. She turned back to see Jaques standing there, and raised a brow. "Want to come for a chat?" he asked with a grin, keeping hold of her hand when she nodded and leading her over to the couch in the alcove. 

"How you doing? You alright?" she asked as the two of them sat down, Mae grabbing a pillow to put over her lap as she faced the brunette. 

"Yeah, I'm good," he nodded. "You look absolutely stunning this evening," the boy grinned as Mae's cheeks turned pink. 

"Thank you," she smiled. "You look nice too," she looked to the open collar of his polo, seeing a golden chain poke through. "I love your chain." (imagine he actually wears one, pls and thx)

"Ah thank you," his hand drifted up to the metal. "I wanted to pull ya to see how you're feeling after our date today."

"You're not gonna tell me how you feel first?" she giggled nervously as the boy shook his head with a grin. "Well, like obviously, from my end, the banter and the chat is there, which is a lot of what I look for. You're pretty fit as well, so I definitely would like to keep chatting and getting to know ya."

"I agree," he nodded. "I like that you give it just as good back to me, but also that we could like chat about real things too. It's a good balance."

"I agree," she laughed, leaning her head on the back of the couch. "If you could describe yourself in a relationship in 3 words, what would they be?"

"Oh, good one," he laughed. "I would say affectionate, spontaneous, and like, fun? Those last two are the same aren't they," he shook his head as Mae giggled. "Maybe committed then, I don't know. What about you?"

"I would say affectionate as well, definitely loyal, and princess like," Mae laughed at Jaques' raised brows. "I mean I like to be spoiled, I'm aware of it."

"Well that's alright, I like to take care of the girls in my life," he grinned. "I love taking care of my mum and that."

"Are you and your mum close then?" Mae asked with a smile.

"Deffo," he nodded. "She's my number one, I'm definitely missing her."

"That's sweet," Mae cooed, her hand popping over to pat at his own, the boy turning his hand to hold hers. 

"Are you close with your family then?" He asked as he started to play with her fingers. 

"For sure," she nodded. "My older sister and I are best friends, and we are super close with our parents, even though they live in Scotland and we both live in England now." The boy hummed. 

"You know, my mum is probably watching this and hoping I'll get to know ya," Jaques smiled cheekily. 

"Really?" Mae laughed, Jaques nodding. "My sister is probably doing the same, she knows she could take the piss out of ya and you would be fine." The two chatted a bit more before it was time for the group to head inside to go to bed. 

Mae woke up with a smile on her face the next day, getting dressed in a bikini before heading outside to make herself some breakfast. Soon enough, she found herself on the bean bags with Paige, Nathan and Luca, the two boys talking about football while the girls rolled their eyes. 

Luca then moved over to speak to Gemma on the couches, while Paige and Nathan kept chatting. Mae leaned her head back, closing her eyes to take a little nap. She probably dozed for around half an hour, before she heard shuffling near her. She smiled sleepily when she opened her eyes and saw Jaques sitting across from her. "Hello," she stretched her feet out. "You alright?"

"You look cute when you nap you know," he grinned when she nudged at his shin with a laugh. 

"That could be considered creepy you know," she laughed as she leaned over to take a sip of her water. The two spoke for a few minutes about their dream travel destinations, before getting into the deep stuff. "So," Mae squinted at him. "Gemma. What's the deets there."

"Ah yeah," he rubbed his chin. "It's a tricky situation isn't it. I was surprised to see her in here, but it's just not like that any more. I still care about her in the way I don't want to see her hurt or whatever, but the romantic connection just isn't there. Like we didn't work out for a reason."

"Yeah I understand that," Mae nodded. "I just had to ask. Because I obviously would like to get to know you, but I don't want to be involved in that kind of situation if feelings were still there, because I can imagine more than one of us would get hurt."

"I totally understand," he nodded. "I don't blame ya, I would probably be guarded in the same way. I obviously would say we're friends in here, but it's not going past that."

"Ok good," Mae grinned.

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