Chapter 2: Preparations

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Leon's POV

This whole world seemed...a lot more different ever since I came out of the Planetary Fortress.

Ever since that day, I was afraid my knowledge of the future would become nearly useless and I had to be prepared for anything unexpected to occur. I could no longer follow through with my original plan of laying low and staying behind the scenes, because if I don't...everything I did worked hard for will taken from me. The adjutant could not explain the whole thing since parts of its memories had been locked away by someone long ago. The only way to unlock them is if I find the code that person used to override the adjutant's systems. Which is easier said than done.

Though I was still able to piece together whatever fragments of info were left. It turns out that this world was of interest to all the three major factions in the Koprulu Sector, for reasons I don't know yet. Each race sent forth their own expedition to this place, which is millions of lightyears away from the sector itself. The Dominion, The Daelaam, and The Swarm had set up outposts in orbit around the planet along with bases on its surface, researching something that is still unknown to me. What happened after that remains unclear to me. However I was sure something had happened after I listened tp a corrupted voice recording.

"-tO aNyXXX hXXXing XXIs. wE aXe IX XAnXXr! The pXOToXS hAvX GoNX cXXXXXXXX TXXY arXX't respoXXinX tX AXYthXXG! ThX zXRg haXe GXnE FeRXL! It's taXXng evXryonX. AXX oX uX! It's this XXaXXT that's caXsiXX tXIX tO HaXpEn! plXase! XXXXX CXME GXT US! Xo XXt C-"

Anything after that was all static, but even so, atleast I got a glimpse of the past and although I don't see the full picture, I could already tell something wrong had happened. What 'it' was, it had dealt with the entire expedition, since there hasn't been any signs of them for centuries now. Not even glimpse of the mighty Protoss or formidable Zerg.

Though I did went pale when I heard those words, Feral Zerg. As if this world wasn't dangerous enough. Thankfully the adjutant had saved me from having a heart attack by reminding me that there hasn't been any traces of Zerg activity for the last thousand years. Dread loosened it grip on my heart upon the news but that only made me feel even more confused. If the Zerg had indeed gone feral then where are they? Why aren't there any traces of the Protoss being here? What happened to all the Dominion personnel?

So many questions with no answers danced around in my mind. Questions that I forced to the back of my mind since I wasn't making progress with them. Right now, I have to focus on what I do know and what I have to do.

This is why I am pondering in my room, thinking of the future after the complicated and loud discussion I had with my family. Zola, her corrupted spawns, which I refuse to call my siblings, and my actual sisters had demanded everything I have to be handed over to them through the excuse of donating it to the family.

I tried to be reasonable...but they forced me to lay down my foot.


"...Tell me, have any of you ever sailed off into the unknown, going through one hellish trial after another, just to desperately find a way out of a situation you couldn't get out of?"

Zola, my step brother and sister, and my actual sister stopped in their seemingly unceasing whining. Watching me from the other side of the table on their comfy seats with curious eyes.

"What are you on about bo-", Zola was cut of when I continued.

"Have any of you ever experience being hunted down by horrifying monsters or chased by blood thirsty pirates while on a tiny boat with nothing but a sword and a rifle?", My head was cast down, my gaze upon the table as memories of moment I would rather forget flashed before my eyes.

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