Chapter 14: Behind the Curtains, The Vermin Swarmed

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~Jenna's POV~

A lot of things have happened, many of them are those I wouldn't have believed if I stayed as my old self, even if I saw them with my own eyes. First was my younger brother Leon coming back home, a changed bo- no, man, with power and wealth that no other person of his age could have achieved. Ever since his adventure, he became smarter, stronger, wiser, and dare I say...scarier than before.

The young boy whom I had once viewed as insignificant was gone, replaced by an adventurer forged in the hardship of the natural world—a true Bartfort who brings pride and honor to his family.

Not like me, or at least, not after the imaginary world built around me by Zola was brought down. What Leon did back then...despite how horrible it was, had been necessary for me. Fear brought low my walls of pride. Allowing me to see what I indeed was...and I threw up at what I had become. Every word that Leon described me as, though harsh and cruel, was accurate.

I wasn't the prettiest in the kingdom, I wasn't the fairest, I wasn't the best in manners, I wasn't the best in studies, and I don't even have that much money to my name. I wasn't who I thought-...I wasn't who I believed I was, and that broke me. I felt filthy, I felt sick, like trash that would only weigh down those who were striving to live, the real priorities.

I did nothing to make my parents proud of me. I did nothing for my family but caused them more pain. I did nothing but follow Zora's orders like a dog on a leash.

I was nothing.

If I was gone, no one would remember me. I was pretty sure my family hated me for the spoiled brat I was, so they'd just move on like they didn't lose anyone important. The 'friends' I made in my years would easily forget me because the dead mean nothing to them. Zora? She'd just scoff and focus on her real daughter. The kingdom of Holfort and even the entirety of the world didn't know I existed. Why would they miss a person they don't even know?

So dead or alive...I was indeed nothing.

"Jenna? Is everything okay?"

Like a torch light that sparked to life within the dark, that voice, that sweet, calm, and soothing voice that always brought a smile to my face, brought me out of my grim thoughts and back to a world of colors, my favorites being silver and gold, but for a completely different reason.

"Are you alright Jenna?"

"With you here? Yes. Everything is...'purr~'fect."

Golden-slitted eyes that stood out in the moonlit night drooped, accompanied by a tired face that I found oh so cute, "I do not know whether that is a tease or a pun, nor do I know whether to laugh in pity or sigh at your attempt of being a corny comedian."

"Awww~ Look at you. You've learned so much from me. I feel so proud.", I wiped the nonexistent tears from my eyes. Earning me the satisfying sight of Miauler sighing and bowing his head in defeat.

"Whatever makes you happy Jenna."

Whatever makes me happy...those four simple words spoken in such a casual tone weighed more to me than anything else in the world. It wasn't sugar-coated, it had no ulterior motive behind them, They were pure, oh so pure and genuine that it made my cheeks grow warmer.

Oh, Miauler. My most precious, protective, and handsome servant. You don't know how much it meant to me when you snuck through the windows and into my life. YOU CARRIED ME ON YOUR BACK FORWARD when I lay almost lifeless and unresponsive to the world. When I tried to end it all, you shook me from making the worst mistake. When I lashed out, in words and action, you took it all and never left my side. When shouts of anger became tears and sobs, you continued to hold me as you bled from the cuts I made. Even as I sank deeper into the dark, you never let me go.

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