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We were about to get into her living quarters for the time being until Aunt Osono saw us.

Osono: Oh, Kiki, Y/N, perfect timing. There's a lady here who wants you to make a delivery. She's her first customer.

Kiki: Customer? Oh, my! I'll be right back.

Y/N: You take your broom, I'll handle your groceries.

Kiki: Will you? You've done enough.

Y/N: I know, but I want to make sure you serve your customer first. Go on ahead.

I took Kiki's groceries upstairs as she grabbed her broom. I set her groceries down and went downstairs to see who her first customer was.

I mean, it's great that she has a customer for the first time and this is a way to make her money.

It was this woman who had a bird cage with a black cat inside of it. It almost looked like Jiji and it was kinda cool.

Osono: Dears, this lady is a customer of ours, and we were talking about your new delivery service.

Woman: What a charming girl and a handsome young man.

Kiki: My name's Kiki, ma'am.

Y/N: Y/N L/N.

Woman: Osono's told me great things about you. Do you think you can deliver this by tonight?

Kiki: Yeah. I can.

Woman: It's a birthday gift for my nephew, but something came up at work and I can't make it to the party on time.

Wait a minute. Is she talking about that family who lives by the coast? I couldn't believe that Kiki had to make a delivery for that snot nosed little brat.

I've seen him before while I was walking around the grocery one day and he was complaining about how he wasn't able to get the toy he wanted. He was crying and whining all around the store and it made me leave all the stuff that I was going to buy and never come back.

Sure, Osono was disappointed when I told her that I wasn't able to get flour and the stuff she would want, but when I told her what really happened, she completely understood why I left.

If Kiki lived in Koriko for a long time and knew what she was getting into, she'd be better off making novenas.

Kiki: I can get it there for you, guaranteed. Show me on the map where you want it delivered.

Jiji was looking at the stuffed cat doll and he said the one thing that made me hold in my laughter!

Jiji: Huh? But that's me.

As the woman showed Kiki where she was going to deliver the gift, I had to talk to Osono and ask her if she was sure about giving the delivery to Kiki.

Y/N: Are you sure you want to have Kiki do this delivery? I've seen this kid. He was such a brat that no wonder he dropped out of preschool.

Osono: I know, Y/N, but this is Kiki's first customer. She should know about people like him.

Y/N: She already does, thanks to Tombo.

Osono: Tombo?

Y/N: Yeah. He was so rude to her that he didn't introduce himself properly at all, making her feel like a chump.

Osono: Oh.

Y/N: Don't worry, I've seen her work ethic and she can work her butt off.

Osono: I saw that. I even saw you taking her groceries and spending time with her.

Kiki's Delivery Service (X Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now