Delivery Service?

594 19 29


After sleeping so soundly, I had to get up for work. I basically showered, dressed, had a small breakfast, and got to work. I had to start making some loaves of bread to sell for the shop.

Soon enough, my aunt Osono and her husband had gotten up and worked with me.

Osono: Sleep well, Y/N?

Y/N: Yes Auntie.

Osono: I saw you helping out that girl to our hot chocolate and letting her stay in the attic upstairs, what made you think about letting her stay?

Y/N: She's a witch in training and she needed a place to stay. What am I supposed to do? Make her stay outside and be homeless? She's a girl and Tombo acted like an idiot, I can't do that.

Osono: Well, you're gonna have to make sure she's responsible for herself as well. If she wants to stay here she needs to pitch in.

Y/N: I'm sure Kiki will do that. You know that lady who left without her baby's pacifier? She delivered it to her when the lady was a long way's away.

Osono: Oh wow.

Y/N: She seems to be a hard worker, so I'm gonna ask her if she's interested in working for us.

Osono: Good idea. Oh, here she comes now.

Kiki walked in with her cute witch dress and red bow as we had to take some racks of loaves to the front of the store.

Kiki: Good morning everyone!

Y/N: Well look who's up. Did you sleep well?

Kiki: Yes. Oh, that smells good. Can I help out?

Y/N: Sure can!

Kiki started helping out with the loaves as we started talking about a delivery business for the bakery. It sounded like a great idea, it can really help with our small business.

During that time, I had to introduce her to Aunt Osono.

Y/N: Aunt Osono, this is Kiki, Kiki, my Aunt Osono.

Kiki: Nice to meet you, ma'am.

Osono: Same here. And a delivery business, huh?

Kiki: Well, I really only have one skill, and that's flying. So I thought a delivery service wouldn't be a bad idea.

Osono: It's a great idea. Kiki's Flying Delivery Service.

Y/N: More like "Kiki's Delivery Service" if you ask me, Aunt Osono. I think Kiki's flying can really elevate our business.

Kiki: Thanks, Y/N.

Y/N: No problem. And since you're staying right here, we can be your very first account.

Kiki: You mean it? Oh, that's great. I was planning on putting a phone upstairs.

Y/N: But a phone is so expensive.

Kiki: I have a little saved up already.

Osono: Let me handle it from here, Y/N.

Y/N: Go ahead, Auntie.

Osono: Don't waste your money, Kiki. What Y/N and I think you should do is use our phone. You know, it will take some time  to get regular customers. I'll make you a deal. Since I'm expecting a baby, I could use help. If you mind the store once in a while with Y/N...

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