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(A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but Ali hope this chapter makes up for it, although it'll be short.)


As soon as breakfast was over, Kiki and I had to go back into town for the Bakery, so here's what we did: we walked over to an outside phone to call my aunt and let her know that we're coming back.

The only trouble was that the phone is way outside the forrest, and although Ursula didn't mind it, she's rather stay off the grid.

I offered to make the call, but Kiki was persistent enough to let me have a break. I couldn't be against it, so I let her do it.

I stood outside with Ursula as she talked to Aunt Osono.

Ursula: I still can't get over how good that steak was, Y/N! The inside was a perfect medium rare.

Y/N: Thanks, I always wanted to try new things whenever I can. Steak was one of those cuts of beef that I wanted to try and cook.

Ursula: And I have to say, if I had ¥50 for every time you cook something good, I'd be a millionaire, but that's okay. I'm more into the outdoors.

Y/N: Yeah.

Ursula: Hey, since you're wanting to go to college after graduating from high school, how about you come stay with me?

Y/N: Wait, seriously?

Ursula: Yeah! It gives you some time to experiment and get you a culinary perspective. I know some friends from the University who specialize in the culinary field, I can hook you up.

Y/N: Would you really?

Ursula: Always, little man. You're like my baby brother, and I love you like one, I'd do anything for you.

Y/N: I appreciate that, but I'm not little anymore.

We both laughed as Kiki walked back from the phone booth and she seemed happy about something.

Kiki: Y/N, we got a delivery.

Y/N: Wait, what?

Kiki: Yeah. It's the same woman that I delivered a pot pie to her granddaughter.

Y/N: You mean Debbie?

Kiki: That's her name?

Y/N: Yeah. I've known her when I was a kid. The sweetest old woman I've ever met.

Kiki: You got a lot of friends, how come I've never seen them?

Y/N: They wanna know why they've never seen you.



We all laughed as a car picked us up and we had to say goodbye to Ursula.

Kiki: Thank you so much for everything.

Ursula: Same here, Kiki. And Y/N.

Y/N: Yeah?

Ursula: When you graduate from school, I want you to invite me, you got it?

Y/N: I will.

We both hugged as tight as we could until I had to leave with Kiki in the car.

Kiki: How do you and her know each other?

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