Sick Day?

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After getting up, showering, and eating a quick breakfast sandwich from a nearby cafe, I had to get to work, but I noticed something was off, Kiki wasn't here.

I had to see what was wrong because I had to excuse myself from the bakery, which my aunt completely understood.

I went outside and she wasn't walking down the stairs. I saw some ruffling on the windows and that told me something was wrong. I ran up the stairs and when I opened the door, Jiji meowed and I saw that Kiki was still in bed. I assumed she wasn't feeling good.

I went over to her and she looked so pale! Like, her skin was flushed and I had to see if she was okay.

Y/N: Not feeling well, aren't you?

Kiki: Yeah.

She turned over and I felt her head and her face and I thought she was so warm that she's got a fever!

Y/N: You got quite a fever.

Kiki: My head's hurting so much.

Y/N: Well, from the look of things, you never dried off after flying in that weather.

Kiki: Do you think I'm going to die, Y/N?

Y/N: Huh?

I chuckled a bit because of how adorable she is, even if she's sick.

Y/N: No, you won't. I'm gonna bring some medicine up, and then some potpie.

Kiki: Not that.

Y/N: I'll ask my aunt to make something for you. How about some hot oatmeal with honey in it? Want some too, kitty cat?


Jiji had the biggest smile on his face as I went out and walked back to my aunt who was concerned about Kiki. When I told her about Kiki being sick, she was a bit upset, but she made two bowls of oatmeal with some honey.

I did bring up the meds and some of the oatmeal that aunt Osono made.

I served two bowls and left one in the table for Kiki as I gave the other to Jiji.

Y/N: I guarantee, this oatmeal is gonna get you better. Here you go, cat. Don't burn yourself.

I sat the other one down and as Jiji took a lick of that oatmeal, he went...

Jiji: MEOW!

Y/N: Come and get it while it's still warm, Kiki.

Kiki: Do I have to eat it?

Y/N: If you wanna get better. Just for me, will ya?

Kiki: Is there an extra shirt for me?

Y/N: Got it right here.

I pulled out a plain black t-shirt out and gave it to her and she put it on as my back was turned.

I was prepared in case she was going to sit up, so why not have a shirt ready?

Kiki: Thanks.

Y/N: No worries.

I served her the oatmeal as I was going to make sure I tell her that Tombo came by to see Kiki.

Y/N: Tombo came by to see you. I told him you were sick he wanted to come up, but I knew how much you hated him, so I turned him down respectfully.

Kiki: Thank you.

Y/N: Hey, don't worry. You get some rest. I'll come by later and see how you're doing.

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