Slow Day?

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Today was just so slow that Kiki was on the verge of sleeping.

I didn't blame her though because I was about to sleep as well, until I saw my ex-best friend and my ex-girlfriend going somewhere. I was looking out and he basically smirked, winked, and before I could go out there to confront him, they rode off on his motorcycle.

I didn't act out or anything in front of Kiki because that's not me usually. Instead I muttered under my breath...

Y/N: I hope they both crash.

Literally, I've grown up a lot where my parents are dead and I've known that I have to be a somebody than be a nobody. My ex-friend and ex-girlfriend treated me like garbage after they revealed their relationship to me.

They thought I was a bum working at my aunt and uncle's bakery while living with them. To this day, I just have a legitimate hatred for them.

After seeing those two ride off, I had to go to sit with my aunt, who looked so concerned for me as she was knitting.

Osono: Are you okay, Y/N?

Y/N: I'm fine, I just need to sit down for a bit.

Osono: Your ear's red, so there's something bothering you.

Y/N: I said I'm fine, Aunt Osono.

Osono: You don't have to hide anything from me. Just tell me what's wrong.

I had to tell her before it ate me up. I mean, I trust my aunt with my life and I really want to make sure that our relationship doesn't have any flaws in it.

Y/N: My ex-friend and his girlfriend were outside the store.

Osono: Oh, what did they do?

Y/N: They basically winked at me and before I could go out there, they rode off.

Osono: Don't let it get to you. His parents probably never cared about what people thought about them together.

Y/N: Yeah, well, I don't have any of those, don't I?

Osono: Y/N, don't say that. You still have people who care about you.

Y/N: I know, I just wish it didn't come to that, you know? Every day I see them, I felt like I just wanna disappear and be forgotten about.

Osono: I really don't blame you, Y/N. I don't, but you have so much to live for.

Y/N: Yeah, but I've been suffering from heartache for a while now. Is it okay if I talk to you about it?

Osono: Of course. You know I would always listen, right?

Y/N: Yeah.

Osono: So what's on your mind?

Y/N: It's Kiki.

Osono: Oooh, so she's on your mind?

Y/N: Yeah. She reminds me of my ex, so caring, kind, and cute right before she got with my best friend.

Osono: I see. Well, I know Kiki's been feeling the same about you.

Y/N: How do you know?

Osono: It's the way she looks at you, Y/N. If I suggest, I say you take things slow since you're still suffering from your heartache.

Y/N: Yeah. It's a good idea. I mean, I am falling for her, but it's not a good idea for right now.

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