Delivery Girl?

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~Kiki POV~

I was really hoping that this town was going to be a great place for us, but after finding that so many people were rude, I'm starting to second guess myself.

Jiji and I decided to look out from a ledge and see the ocean. It was such a beautiful thing to see, if this town were better than what I expected.

Jiji: Why don't we go find another town? I'll bet there are bigger and better ones, ones that are friendlier than this.

Then, I heard footsteps behind me and I looked back, and there was this boy. He had something in his hand as he ran to the ledge.

Y/N: Oh no. Oh man. Ma'am! Your pacifier! MISS! YOU FORGOT YOUR BABY'S PACIFIER!

The woman kept walking and didn't hear him, but I kept looking at him. His face was so good looking that I completely lost focus on what was happening.

Y/N: Poor little guy. When the baby wakes up, it'll cry all the way home. I better go give this to her myself.

When he turned back around to try and find the woman, I had to speak up.

Kiki: Excuse me, but would you like me to deliver it for you?

Y/N: What?

Kiki: The woman with the baby carriage who just went around the corner. I could reach her in no time.

Y/N: Really? You'd do that? Thanks so much.

Kiki: My pleasure.

When the boy handed the pacifier, I went to take it, but our hands touched. The both of us were embarrassed about it, probably me the most as I went to the ledge to start flying to the woman.


Our hands touched and I was feeling heat on my cheeks. I didn't mean to feel that way, but I don't know.

When this girl flew, I was amazed by how magical she was! She has to be a witch in training because of the way she's dressed and how she's flying that broom really well.

I mean, we haven't seen a witch around here in a long time and she must be the first one in who knows how long.

Back in the bakery, Osono and I were still dealing with customers until we heard the bell ring. I saw and it was the same witch that delivered that poor baby's pacifier.

We locked eyes for what feels like an eternity until a customer broke me off.

Y/N: Hey! Come in and wait a minute, I'll be right there!

She nodded and came in as I dealt with a couple more customers until I went up to her.

Y/N: When I saw you fly off, I thought I was dreaming for a second.

Kiki: The baby's mother told me to give you this message.

She handed me a piece of paper and I had to read it.

"Thanks for returning the pacifier. Your new delivery girl is really quite special."

Kiki: Well, I'll be on my way.

She turned around to leave, but I had to stop her.

Y/N: Wait, hold on there. I must do something to show my thanks.

Kiki: I'm good. I ran into a boy that was so rude, he didn't introduce himself to me.

Y/N: Well, that's not who I am. Come on, let me make you something.

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