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This painting looked so, so good and I can't believe Ursula did this herself!

When I saw her come back with the bucket of water, I had to ask.

Y/N: You paint this yourself?

Ursula: Yeah. Like it?

Y/N: Yeah.

Kiki: Yes.

Ursula: I have to say I became inspired after the first time I met Kiki, but I really haven't got the face right. I've been waiting for you to come back so I can try again, Kiki.

Kiki: You mean that's me?

Ursula: Sure is. You'd make my life easier if you'd model for me.

Kiki: But I'm not very beautiful, what do you want me to do that for?

Ursula laughed as I giggled a bit before my former babysitter said...

Ursula: Come on, Kiki. You have got a great face. You're very pretty. Now don't you be nervous, sit down right over here. Y/N, you join me.

Y/N: Absolutely.

As soon as Kiki sat down on a chair and Ursula and I sat down in another place, she started drawing as I looked over at the view of nature.

I really love it here. I wish I could have my own cabin and live off the land, away from society, and being my own person.

For now, I'm just living with my aunt and uncle until I get accepted into college. I am planning on going back to school so I can get my GED, but if I have to take a cut in my pay from the bakery, I'm willing to accept that, I don't mind.

Look, I love working at my aunt and uncle's bakery, but there comes at a point where I can't work there everyday. I'm hoping to have a talk with them when the time is right.

Ursula: Painting and magical powers seem very much the same. Sometimes I'm unable to paint a thing.

Kiki: You mean it? Then what? What happens?

Ursula: Kiki, please, don't move. It's hard to draw a moving target.

Kiki: Sorry. Without even thinking about it, I used to be able to fly. Now I'm trying to look inside myself to find out how I did it, but I just can't figure it out.

Ursula: You know, it could be you're working at it too hard. Maybe you should just take a break.

Y/N: That's what I've been saying.

Kiki: You told her, Y/N?

Y/N: I didn't want you to be upset because I know how hard you took it. I wanted Ursula to be aware about it if you ever brought it up.

Kiki: I appreciate it, Y/N. I really do, but still, if I can't fly...

Ursula: Then stop trying. Take long walks, look at the scenery, doze off at noon. Don't even think about flying. And then, pretty soon, you'll be flying again.

Kiki: You think my problems will...

Ursula: Go away? That's right. It's gonna be fine, I promise.

For the rest of the time being, Ursula drew Kiki's face onto her sketch book as I looked out the window.

Ursula allowed me to go out and walk around, admiring the nature, and I did by looking around until I walked over to the edge where the pond was.

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