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(A/N: This chapter is gonna be hard for me to write, when you get to the part in the middle of this chapter, you'll understand.)

~Kiki POV~

After some time feeling better, even though I felt bad for insulting Y/N, I managed to put on some dry clothes and cook some pancakes.

After flipping over a pancake, I was curious on the stove. I stuck my spatula in the fuel hole two times before it burst into flames, but I saved it by putting the skillet over the fire to diminish it.

Kiki: Breakfast! Jiji!

I didn't hear from Jiji and I had to look outside for him.

Kiki: Where are you!

?????: Kiki?

I looked down and it was Osono! Hope she's okay with that baby inside of her.

Osono: Are you feeling better?

Kiki: A lot better, thank you? I'm sorry, I didn't realize I'd overslept.

Osono: That's okay. Come down later. I have a favor to ask you. All right?

Kiki: Okay.

After eating my breakfast without Jiji, I went down to the bakery and I saw that Y/N wasn't here.

He must've be pretty mad at me for bringing up his past relationship, but I don't blame him. When Osono gave me a brown bag of something for the delivery, I was a bit confused on the note.

Kiki: The name is "Koppori"?

Osono: Uh-huh. Now, take this money.

Was she giving me money?! This delivery is on me!

Kiki: Oh, no, ma'am. No money. It's on me.

Osono: Impossible. Work is work, and make sure you deliver it in person.

As she gave me the money and a wink, I had to ask.

Kiki: Where's Y/N, by the way?

Osono: I gave him the day off. I thought he needed a little break, you know?

Kiki: That makes sense.

I left the bakery and looked for Jiji until he appeared with a lady cat!

Jiji: What is it?

Kiki: We've got a delivery. Hey, who's your friend there?

Jiji: Lily's her name, be right there.

Kiki: Stay there. I'll be right back. He's all yours, bye bye!

Lily: MEOW!

Jiji: Hmmm.

I followed the directions to the house, where the delivery was taking place, but little did I know, I was going to feel awkward when I find out who I was delivering for.

As I walked through a neighborhood, I saw the view of the ocean and a port, over the place of a street. It all looked so beautiful.

Kiki: It's so pretty and warm.

?????: Hey. Hey, there, Miss Witch.

I looked back and it had to be Tombo.

Tombo: Taking a walk?

Kiki: Uh-uh. I'm looking for someone named Koppori.

Tombo: Hey that's my name. That's me. If you go around that way, I'll be right with you, okay?

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