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Well, not just Kiki losing her powers, Jiji started talking to her as if she was a cat all this time.

Hearing Jiji losing his english speaking voice really made me feel bad because I really think that Kiki losing her powers was the worst thing that's ever happened to her. Do I blame her for being sad? Not really.

While I was working at the bakery I saw someone walk by and I thought I recognized her. She had a huge straw hat with some Jean short shorts, a red tank top, a giant orange backpack, and some hiking boots.

It had to be Ursula because when she walked in, I was excited to see her!

Ursula: Hey there, Y/N!

Y/N: Hey, Ursula! Give me a second, I'll be right with you.

Ursula: Okay!

I was just about to finish up the money counting for today and as I did, I walked up to her.

You see, Ursula is one of my closest friends. She and I always tried to keep in touch whenever we could and she was always the older sister I never had. She was often my babysitter when my parents went on dates and to see her doing well for herself made me happy.

There was this one thing that I'll never understand though, when she would come over to babysit me, Ursula was always a tomboy. I don't know what makes her dress like that, but I'm not a hater or anything, I love seeing my friends happy.

As she would spend time with me, we'd do drawing contests and while Ursula'd always end up winning, it was fun to be with her. She always had that heart of gold to help someone in need and I always admired her for that. For example, if nobody would take the jacket off their back, screw them, she would do it because that's who Ursula is.

When she ran off to be her own person, I supported her and said that she wanted to be an artist. I've seen her work over the years and her paintings and drawings are pretty amazing, probably better than the art I've done.

After counting the money, I went over and started the conversation.

Y/N: What are you doing in town?

We hugged as we had to catch up.

Ursula: Well, I had to do some shopping and I decided while I was here, I thought I might come by and visit Kiki.

Y/N: Kiki?

Ursula: She didn't tell you what happened?

Y/N: Um, no, what happened?

Ursula: You know that stuffed cat she was supposed to deliver?

Y/N: I think so.

Ursula started telling me about they first met over the stuffed cat and how it turned into a friendship more than anything. I wasn't there when all of this happened, but to hear Ursula's side of the story was hilarious. I enjoyed it.

Ursula: Yeah, it's hilarious to know that a delivery could make a friendship.

Y/N: Yeah.

Ursula: How is Kiki, by the way?

Y/N: Well, not so good.

Ursula: Huh? Why's that?

Y/N: Let's say some of my ex-friends didn't take too kindly to her.

Ursula: Oh, really?

Y/N: Yeah. It wasn't just that...

I gestured her to come close and I had to whisper...

Y/N: She lost her powers a couple days ago.

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