You look like you've seen a ghost

36 4 11

Max's: POV

I was walking around in the house. I went into a room that has been left untouched. I saw a piano. I sat down at it and started playing Für Elise. It's my grandma's favorite melody.

"How beautiful you play

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"How beautiful you play." said a girl and sighed softly. I stopped playing. "Who's there, show yourself." I said. A little girl showed up in the room. Her blonde hair was curly and she was wearing a long nightdress.


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"Hello honey, I'm Max Warren." I said. "I'm Alice Evans." she replied shyly. "Nice to meet you." I said. "Can you play it again?" asked Alice. "Of course I can." I said. I played the melody for her and she smiled. Alice went up to me and gave me a hug. "We'll always be friends." she said. "Yes." I replied.

She patted my cheek and her hand was ice cold. Alice smiled and disappeared. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped. "Elliot, you scared me." I said. "Sorry Max, I'd just tell you that dinner is ready." he replied. "I'm coming." I said. "You okay? you look like you've seen a ghost." replied Elliot jokingly. "I think I just did." I said.


The rain pouring down and the thunder rumbled like hungry wolves. A lightning cut through the dark sky and the wind threatened to break the house. A crying girl woke me up and my first thought was Annabelle.

I went up and walked quietly to her room. She slept deeply in her crib and she wasn't sad. I gave her a kiss on her forehead, before I went back to my room. I heard child laughter, a sad lullaby and a gunshot. I ran to my bed and hid under the covers. But I could still hear the gun and the crying girl. Something terrible has happened here.

Max can talk to ghosts

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