I know how it is

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Adam's: POV

My parents visited us and Max's best friend were so happy to meet them.

"It's so nice to meet you." replied Lorraine. "I've read all your books, it's nice to meet you and Ed too." said Andy. "Here." replied dad and gave her a book. She opened it and smiled happily. It was a signed copy. "Thank you so much." said Andy.

"Grandma, grandpa." said Elliot. "Hello sweetie." replied mom and gave him a hug. "You look just like your father." said dad. "I've heard that." he replied. Just then the front door opened and Max came in. She ran crying to her room and slammed the door. I looked at Elliot for answer.

"Some girls were mean to her in school today. They called her names and told her she had no friends, because she was a freak. They also said that she should kill herself, so she can hang out with her ghost friends." he said. "The teachers do nothing to stop the bullying." I replied upset. "I'll talk to her." said mom. "Thank you." I replied.


Max's POV

I was sitting on my bed and watched Stranger things. One of my favorite tv series. Bella was lying next to me. It knocked on the door and grandma came in.

"Can I talk to you?" she asked

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"Can I talk to you?" she asked. "Sure." I said and paused it. "I know how it is. I know what it's like to lose friends, just because you're different. But I also know that a person can change everything and you need to open up to that person." said Lorraine. "How did you know which person you could open up to?" I asked. "I didn't know and sometimes I was hurt. And it took me a long time, but I finally found someone who believed in me." she said. "And what did you do?" I asked. "I married him." said grandma and smiled.

I love Lorraine

I hope you liked the chapter


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