Just let my baby survive

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Adam's: POV


April 15th 2021: New York

"It hurts." I screamed. "It's soon over." said the nurse calmly. "He's getting weaker, he will not survive the childbirth." replied the doctor. "Just let my baby survive please, I can't lose her too." I said. "It's a risk that you both die." he replied. "I won't let that happen." I said and then a heard a baby cry. Tears of joy filled my eyes when I saw my baby.

"Congratulations, it's a girl." said the nurse. Tears filled my eyes and I smiled. But my smile faded quicky. She was very pale and she wasn't breathing. "Please Annabelle, save my daughter's life." I prayed.


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"What's wrong? "Is my daugther okay, why can't I see her?" I asked. More doctors and nurses came into the room. "Please, let me see her." I begged. I saw blood and the room started spinning. I heard a scream. I lost consciousness and everything went black.


"Dad." said a girl. I opened my eyes and saw Max. "Annabelle." I replied panicked. "She's okay." said Max. "Where's she?" I asked. "She's here." replied Elliot and lay her down in my arms. Annabelle opened her eyes and looked at me. I stroked her cheek. "I thought I had lost you." I said.

"We thought we had lost both of you." replied Jack. I looked at him. "You lost quite a lot of blood and needed emergency surgery. The doctors didn't know if you'd survive, but Annabelle's spirit saved both you and Belle." he said. "My dear Belle." I said. "She's our warrior." replied Max. "I love you so much." I said and smiled. Max, Elliot and Jack hugged me too. "My family." I said.

-End of the flashback-

Adam was close to die too.

I hope you liked the chapter


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