I'm not a demon

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Max's: POV

"Have a nice day everyone." said Eleanor with a smile on his face. I put down my things in my packback and went out to the corridor. I could hear students whispering behind my back.

Suddenly someone threw a book at me and I fell to the floor. "You're a freak Max." said a girl coldly. "You don't want to mess with me." I replied warned. "What will you do?" she asked and laughed. My eyes turned black.

She was choking on her own blood

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She was choking on her own blood. "Please, stop." she begged but I didn't listen. "Stop it Max." shouted Andy. A tight grip took hold of my hand and I looked into Eleanor's cold blue eyes. "Now it has gone too far." she said.

"But she called me a freak." I replied. "Violence is not allowed here, you'll have a talk with the principal and I have to call your dad. You will not escape." he said and left me. The students looked scared at me.

"You're a demon." said a boy. "I'm not a demon, I'd never hurt any of you." I replied. "You almost killed Caroline." said Lucas. "My sister's powers is acting up, she didn't mean to hurt her." replied Elliot. "Thank you." I said low. "No problem honey." he replied.


"Why am I like this, why can't I be a normal girl?" I asked. "Max." said dad softly. "I don't want to be a demon." I yelled. "Max listen to me. You were born on Halloween during a violent storm. "When you came out, the lightning cut through the sky. Something happened to you that day. You could see things that no one else could see. You could talk to ghosts too. But you could also hurt if someone was mean to you." said dad. "There are people looking for me." I replied. "I won't let them hurt you, I promise." said Adam.

I feel for Max

I hope you liked the chapter


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