I care about you

23 4 13

Jack's: POV


June 14th 2016: New York

"Hello, we're home." I called. It was quiet in the apartment. "Where's daddy?" asked Max worried. "I don't know honey." I said.


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(Elliot, 9)

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(Elliot, 9)

(Elliot, 9)

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(Max, 7)

We went out to the terrace and we found Adam. He was sleeping on the couch. I sighed when I saw the bottles and the drugs. It started after Annabelle died.

"Daddy." replied Max. "He needs to rest." said Elliot. I helped him up and carried him to our bedroom. I lay him down in the bed. I placed a kiss on his forehead.


I went to the room next day with a breakfast tray in my hand. Adam had woken up and he looked confused around.

"Good morning sleeping beauty

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"Good morning sleeping beauty." I said. "How did I end up here?" asked Adam. "I carried you to bed yesterday." I said. "I don't remember." he replied. I gave him his breakfast and he started eating. "You have to stop drinking and doing drugs, it starts to go out of control." I said. "But it keeps the pain away." replied Adam.

"I know darling, but it's not good for you. You forget things and this is the second time I find you sleeping on the couch." I said. "You'll leave me, you don't love me anymore." he replied crying. "Adam, I won't leave you. I care about you and I don't want to lose you." I said. He hugged me and cried. "I'm sorry Jack, I'll check into rehab." replied Adam. "I'm so proud of you." I said. "Thank you." he replied. I lay down next to him and we cuddled. "I love you." said Adam. "I love you more." I replied and kissed him.

-End of the flashback-

Jack really cares about Adam

I hope you liked the chapter


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