Chapter one🫶🏼

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Evelyn's pov

I opened my eyes to the sound of glass breaking. I looked over at my boarded-up window and instantly shot up off my spot on the floor once I saw a bit of sunlight peak out of the plywood. I scrambled to my feet as I heard footsteps coming towards the door.

I tried to hide in the corner but there was nowhere to hide, I looked around and only saw the small blanket resting on the now-empty floor. I started to hyperventilate at the thought of getting beat again.

Suddenly my door slammed open and my mom walked into the room with a scowl on her pale face. I have never seen her sober but one time I stole a photo from her room, she use to be so gorgeous. Now she has little to no hair and track marks up and down her skinny arms.

I crawled into a ball in the corner of the cold cement room. I slid down the wall and felt the coolness of the wall on my spine making me shiver. I looked up to see my mother walking towards me with something behind her back.

She finally reached me and crouched down in front of my shivering figure. "You make me sick to my stomach. No one will ever love you." She wrapped her long scrawny hands around my neck and began to choke me.

I scratched her hands but she only held on tighter. "You will never find love, no one will take care of you! Me and Simon, we take care of you but yet you can't even get up on time!" She threw my head back making it hit the wall behind me.

My vision got blurry and I could barely open my eyes but I fought to keep them open. I watched through my blurry eyes to see her pulling out a whip.

Oh no...not again.

She pulled her phone out and called Simon making me shiver in fear. A few minutes later the slab of wood, also known as my 'door' slammed open showing a very drunk Simon. A drunk Simon never means anything good to me.

Simon walked over to me and I tried to get away but he grabbed my leg making me face plant the floor. "Not so fast.." he slurred his words as he dragged me back to where my mother stood with a cigarette in her pale hand.

I was gripping so hard onto the concrete floor that my nails started to rip off making blood spill all over the dark cement floors. I was grabbed roughly by the back of my head making me wince in pain.

My mother looked down at me and sickly smiled at me with her yellow crooked teeth. "Time to learn a lesson." With that, she threw me to Simon who grabbed my arms and tied them in front of me.

I tried to pull my hands away but Simon slapped me across the face making me fall to the floor. "Stop moving you ugly slut!" He yelled while I winced at the pain that ran through my face.

I learned that it's usually better to just be quiet, unseen, do as I am told, and never talk unless I get talked to first. I also realized that I could never judge anyone because I have no clue what they have been through.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as I felt the rough leather crash down on my bare back. I bite my tongue so hard that I tasted the familiar metallic flavor in my mouth.

They continued to take turns until they suddenly got bored of that 'activity' and stepped back for a few seconds. I let my body fall limp onto the ground not having any more energy left in my body.

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