Chapter twenty-two🫶🏼

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Evelyn's pov
"I didn't run this time right?"

I jumped out of my zoned out state when I started to hear arguing. "Get the fuck out of my house, I'm not telling you again!" Lucas's voice was full of rage and I know whoever is out there is probably shitting bricks because I know I am.

I know both of my brothers said not to go out there but my mind is telling me to go out there and see the show. And my mind is 98% of the time correct. I hopped off of the counter and went to the door where the voices got louder.

"No! Baby you and me. We are one, we are a team!" I peeked through the door to see a woman around Lucas's age with brown hair and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a crop top and green pants. She is really pretty but her words made me cringe.

Her eyes looked around till they landed on mine, I tumbled back and tried to get back to the counter. I almost got there when I heard a high pitched scream. "You are sleeping with some dirty slut?!" My eyes got wide and I felt the bile rise in my throat. I just hope she isn't talking about me, if she is I might just vomit all over her.

Once it got quiet for a bit I got up and tried to look through the hole again. I must've missed a step because I ended up running into the door making it fall open. I held my ankle as it shot with painful needles.

I looked up to make sure no one saw my little stunt, but of course, they saw. I kept my head down as Marco began to walk over to me. He bent down to the floor and I slid down the floor to escape his hands.

"So that's the slut?!" I looked up to see all of my brothers glaring at the women. She visually gulped and looked away from their glares. She only glanced up to glare at me but Marco stood in her line of vision.

I heard muffled screams and I looked up to see Sergio holding a cloth to the woman's mouth. Luca walked over to her and whispered something in her ear as she passed out. They can and will hurt me.

I felt bad for her, she didn't understand that I am just their sister I'm not anything special and she needs to know that. I got off the floor and started to walk over to Lucas's tall figure.

Sergio looked at me and shook his head but I didn't care. I tapped Lucas back and he turned around slowly and looked down at me with nothing but annoyance and rage in his dark eyes. He raised his eyebrows, questioning why I dared to touch him. I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to find words.

I looked over to the girl that now lay in Romeo's arms and I felt guilt sink into my stomach. "Don't hurt her. Since I've seen her she hasn't done anything wrong and you can't just hurt someone for no reason." I know I had just signed my death wish when I saw Salvatore gulp while looking at me with slight pity.

I looked back to Lucas's eyes to see them still dark, almost darker. "Non hai idea di quante persone ho dovuto uccidere per te, solo nell'arco di quasi un mese. Questo è nulla." I looked at Luca and I knew whatever he said was something either scary or very true due to the reactions of my brothers.

(Translation: You have no clue how many people I have had to kill for you, just in the span of almost a month. This is nothing.)

Angelo walked over to me and bent down on one knee, I looked at him confused until he patted his knee and then looked at my ankle. I hesitated before slowly putting my ankle on his knee, my gaze never faltered with Lucas as Angelo checked my ankle.

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