Chapter forty-six🫶🏼

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Lucas pov

Everything left me for a few moments. The world stopped when I walked into that bathroom. Time stood still and waited for those white coats to leave that room and tell me when I could finally release the fire in my lungs. I waited, pacing back and forth with my brother's blood covering my shirt. Anger flowed through me, anger that wasn't directed towards not a soul except mine.

"Luca...please just let me try to comfort you." Before I could tell Sergio no I was already pulling his body closer to mine. As soon as I had Sergio in my arms I felt the world hit me in the chest. I try to be the big brother who has taken bullets and all the hard shit with an emotionless face but every seal cracks.

Sergio was the final crack that I needed, the last crack that made me sink down to the floor with my younger brother in my arms and allowed me to cry. I felt the sobs of Sergio break through his throat, vibrating off of my shoulder and into the open air around us. I held onto his body tightly as I felt the hot tears roll down my face, each one with its own race down to my lips and onto Sergio's head.

I felt large and small arms cover me and I felt my heart begin to beat at a fast pace. Boom boom boom. I took a shaky breath. Boom boom boom. I heard the soft sound of my only sister. Boom boom boom.

"Leon's?" My head ripped up from Angelo's shoulder as my neck turned to the sound of a male's voice. I quickly got up and walked over to the dark-skinned male who had a small cut above his plump lips. I gave him one nod and he took that signal to finally open his mouth and tell me the news. "Your son? I believe." I nodded on instinct. "Well sir, your son is very strong. Salvatore is stable, not perfect but he is okay. Now I do recommend perhaps a mental hospital that can get him the help he ne-" I quickly stopped his speech with the raise of my hand.

Salvatore needs help, yes. But I'm not going to throw him to someone else just because I'm tired of him, he needs to know that we all love him. All these rooms seemed to get smaller and smaller with each step I took toward my brother's hospital room.

One sixty-four. That was his room. I looked down for a moment and felt a small hand grab mine, my baby was holding my hand and it gave me enough strength to open that cold door. I heard a small gasp come from behind me and within a second I was pushed aside by Sergio, I watched as he ran over to his brother's bedside with tears already rolling off of his face.

Once everyone was sitting down I got up and walked over to my younger brother who looked as pale as a ghost. I walked closer and closer until I could reach my arms out and wrap his smaller body in my arms. I took a deep breath and slowly felt him relax into me, his arms slowly came up and closed around mine as his shoulders shook with sobs.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Luca." Grabbing the back of his head, I pushed him lightly into my neck just to feel that he was in fact okay. Once his breathing was calm I pulled away and held his face in my hands. His eyes glistened with unreleased tears, without another second I leaned in and kissed the crown of his head. "Shut up, you didn't do a thing wrong. Not a thing."

I turned my head and signaled for Evey to come forward which she did with her head down. Salvatore reached out but quickly realized the badge on his arm and put his arm into his chest. Evey looked up and practically leaped onto Salvatore making him grunt.

"Okay, this is bull shit! I get a quick bro hug and she gets to give you a hug!" All of our heads looked over at the sound of Romeo's voice booming through the room. Confused, I reached my arms out towards Romeo and walked over to him very slowly making him back up into Alessandro.

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