Chapter four🫶🏼

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(Little A/N...I really do love every single one of my readers and you guys make me so happy. I was nervous about writing my first book but you guys were amazing and so I wrote a second one and now this one! Thank you reader.)

Evelyn's pov

After almost an hour I got a little bored so I got up and headed into the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror and cringed at the sight of myself. My long brown hair was a mess and my cheeks were so hollow that they made me look like a skeleton. My brown eyes looked like they had no life in them.

I sighed and turned the sink on, I quickly splashed some warm water on my face and turned the fancy fossette off. I dried my face with a hand towel and I saw that I looked extremely dirty.

My mom and Simon never really let me have a shower, said that I deserved to be nasty. The last shower I had was a week ago so my skin was really dirty.

I turned and slowly slid my shirt up to see the deep lashes on my back. I held my breath as I took the same rag and slowly cleaned the deep crimson-red lashes. I let out a whimper but stayed quiet for the most part.

I jumped as I heard a knock at my door, my door slowly opened and I threw the rag in the shower and dropped my shirt. "Ev...oh, Hey sorry, lunch is ready," Sergio said while turning his head to the wall.

I left the bathroom and walked over to the door. He turned to look down at me and then smiled, he put his hand up quickly and I flinched back. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to scare you I just...uh never mind, come on." I looked up to see him putting his fist back down.

Did he want a fist bump..?

We walked down the marble stairs and I held onto the railing so that some pressure would be off of my back. Sergio cleared his throat, making me turn to him. "After lunch, I will let you have some of my old clothes...just for the night till we get you some more." I nodded and he smiled while looking away.

Before we entered the kitchen we heard Marco and I think Alessandro arguing. "Dude, you are 21! Make your own food!" Marco yelled and Sergio groaned. "Yeah but I want that food!" I chuckled quietly as I heard Alessandro's deep voice. It sounds so childish but it was really funny to hear.

As we walked into the kitchen I saw Marco wearing an apron and Alessandro holding a plate next to a pot. Sergio grabbed my hand in a soft grip and pulled me to the two arguing men.

Sergio shoved Marco out of the way and grabbed the plate from Alessandro's hand. I looked at Marco to see him smiling at me and I gave him a small smile back.

Alessandro just watched me with an intense stare making me shift on my feet. I started to scratch my hand when a large tattooed coved one stopped my actions. I looked up to see Alessandro looking down at me, making me feel as small as a fucking ant.

"What's that smell?! It smells like Alessandro's weed!" I turned to see Salvatore walking into the kitchen while holding his nose. He had a smile on his face until he glanced at me. His smile dropped down to an emotionless stare.

"OKAY! EVERYONE OUT!" Marco suddenly yelled and I jumped in shock and fright. I started to walk out but someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Except you." Marco patted my head and smiled down at me.

He handed me a plate of pasta and I felt my stomach drop as my vision got blurry but it wasn't tears that clouded my was fear.

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