(Little A/N...I really do love every single one of my readers and you guys make me so happy. I was nervous about writing my first book but you guys were amazing and so I wrote a second one and now this one! Thank you reader.)
Evelyn's pov
After almost an hour I got a little bored so I got up and headed into the bathroom. I took a look in the mirror and cringed at the sight of myself. My long brown hair was a mess and my cheeks were so hollow that they made me look like a skeleton. My brown eyes looked like they had no life in them.
I sighed and turned the sink on, I quickly splashed some warm water on my face and turned the fancy fossette off. I dried my face with a hand towel and I saw that I looked extremely dirty.
My mom and Simon never really let me have a shower, said that I deserved to be nasty. The last shower I had was a week ago so my skin was really dirty.
I turned and slowly slid my shirt up to see the deep lashes on my back. I held my breath as I took the same rag and slowly cleaned the deep crimson-red lashes. I let out a whimper but stayed quiet for the most part.
I jumped as I heard a knock at my door, my door slowly opened and I threw the rag in the shower and dropped my shirt. "Ev...oh, Hey sorry, lunch is ready," Sergio said while turning his head to the wall.
I left the bathroom and walked over to the door. He turned to look down at me and then smiled, he put his hand up quickly and I flinched back. "Oh, sorry didn't mean to scare you I just...uh never mind, come on." I looked up to see him putting his fist back down.
Did he want a fist bump..?
We walked down the marble stairs and I held onto the railing so that some pressure would be off of my back. Sergio cleared his throat, making me turn to him. "After lunch, I will let you have some of my old clothes...just for the night till we get you some more." I nodded and he smiled while looking away.
Before we entered the kitchen we heard Marco and I think Alessandro arguing. "Dude, you are 21! Make your own food!" Marco yelled and Sergio groaned. "Yeah but I want that food!" I chuckled quietly as I heard Alessandro's deep voice. It sounds so childish but it was really funny to hear.
As we walked into the kitchen I saw Marco wearing an apron and Alessandro holding a plate next to a pot. Sergio grabbed my hand in a soft grip and pulled me to the two arguing men.
Sergio shoved Marco out of the way and grabbed the plate from Alessandro's hand. I looked at Marco to see him smiling at me and I gave him a small smile back.
Alessandro just watched me with an intense stare making me shift on my feet. I started to scratch my hand when a large tattooed coved one stopped my actions. I looked up to see Alessandro looking down at me, making me feel as small as a fucking ant.
"What's that smell?! It smells like Alessandro's weed!" I turned to see Salvatore walking into the kitchen while holding his nose. He had a smile on his face until he glanced at me. His smile dropped down to an emotionless stare.
"OKAY! EVERYONE OUT!" Marco suddenly yelled and I jumped in shock and fright. I started to walk out but someone grabbed my hand and pulled me back. "Except you." Marco patted my head and smiled down at me.
He handed me a plate of pasta and I felt my stomach drop as my vision got blurry but it wasn't tears that clouded my vision...it was fear.

Their safe haven
Teen FictionAfter her mother's and step fathers death, Evelyn must move in with her 7 older brothers who she had no idea existed. Will she be welcomed back with warm hugs? Or will she be pushed away and hurt? Will she ever open up? Or will she continue to be...