Chapter forty-eight🫶🏼

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Evelyn's pov

"Hold the fuck on for two seconds, please. What the actual fuck frog?" I looked at Lilith with a small glare for cussing in my brother's house but it soon turned into a guilty look down. "I'm sorry okay?" She glared at me and made a move to get up from my bed.

She looked at me with tears in her eyes, her chest rose and fell quickly. "Lil I'm sorry!" With one look I knew for a fact that I had fucked up. One second I was looking at her with a sad look and the other second I'm being pinned to my own bed.

Lilith looked down at me and I felt the gay panic in my rise. If I had a dick it would be solid. "You watched the whole fucking twilight series without me?!" I watched with wide eyes as she sat back on her thighs with a small pout on her lips.

My door slammed open causing me to grip Lilith's hips and grab my taser from my nightstand. Romeo stood at my open doorway with wide eyes. "Shit sorry!" He quickly slapped his scar-covered hand over his eyes and quickly ran to my closest, knocking into everything on his way.

"Romeo it's fine! We weren'- ugh!" I laughed as Lilith got up from my waist and walked to my closet where my brother was searching for something. My head was still filled with the unknown and I hated that.

Nico left, no text so far and no call. I felt the need to apologize for my actions, I needed to apologize for what I had done to ruin the moment that we had. I hated the underlying fear that I can never be intimate with anyone due to Simon.

A knock at my door had my head turn slowly towards the sound. I couldn't answer, it was as if my air was stolen and my words were taken by my own soul. "Come in!" Yelled Romeo. Luca walked into my room with a small frown on his face.

My lip trembled and Luca was quick to rush over to me. I hit his chest as he held my head to his chest, I kept hitting his chest until my arms got tired. My voice, weak but still audible, came through my throat in a single word came out. "Don't." Luca leaned back and held my hand between his big rough hands.

The cool metal of his ring burned my skin but I couldn't help the sense of peace that came from him. His voice was thick and heavy, he sounded just like the fathers at my school would sound. "No tears, I can handle one kid crying but you guys gotta give me time off. Do you need to cry? Schedule it, but if it's not on my calendar then I don't want to see or hear tears. Do you understand?" A small chuckle came from my throat as my head bobbled up and down in his hands.

"I got it! I got her outfit!" Romeo came from my closet with Lilith quick on his heels. Luca looked at me for a second before rolling his eyes and pulling me into a hug before walking out of my room.

--(Fun fact: If you need help, don't hesitate to ask, we all need it sometimes.🦋 Say hi to bubbles or I kill it.)--

The outfit was cute, I will admit. But a leather corset with leather pants...not gonna happen. I watched as Romeo and Lilith scavenged through my closet, throwing out clothes left and right. "Guys! Come on! Can we go get some food?" Romeo's head shot up at the sound of food and Lilith was already out of my bed once the letter 'F' was said out loud.

We all rushed downstairs to the kitchen where we smelled rich food. I pushed Romeo to the side and darted towards the kitchen doors. "Mom!" I froze once I realized that it was not Marco in the kitchen.

No...not Marco at all. Just twenty or thirty mafia men were all in the kitchen with plates in front of them. Their eyes were on me and I froze in my spot, my shorts did nothing to cover my butt and I had changed into a crop top that said 'I love dilfs' on the front thanks to Lilith. And on top of it all, I had no bra on at all.

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