Chapter thirty🫶🏼

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Romeos pov
Warning torture scenes!! Read at your own risk.

"Name: Robert Jacob aka second in command for Simon. Last name unknown. Age:48 height:5'11. Says that he won't say anything and he doesn't talk to rats like us." Leo was telling off the information while we all walked down the dark hallway.

Luca and Angelo left last night and flew all the way to Oklahoma to grab this fucker and they just got in this morning. After this morning with Evelyn, we all fought to get out of the door but we knew she would be okay with Rain. And we also have cameras in the house so we will know if he tries anything while we are gone.

"Luca, Angelo I have your boys!" I rolled my eyes as Luca walked out of one of the rooms, his once grey shirt was now dark with blood. No one dares talk about it but once upon a time Luca use to be worse than me and Marco combined. He would get a fix on torturing people.

Angelo came out of the room and wiped his face, smearing blood down his face. It was almost scary to see the two evil twins again after all these years. Luca and Angelo use to be called 'The evil twins' for their way of torture and how they would thrive for it.

I pushed past Nick and walked over to Luca. "You got started without us? How rude. Where are they?" Images of Evelyn crying and how she pulled away with tears running down her puffy cheeks. How she didn't touch her food, not once this morning. I used those thoughts to fuel my anger. What I wasn't expecting was to see Lucas's eyes filled with rage.

Angelo, the second quiet one beside me spoke up with a deeper voice than usual. "Boys, we are all going to have our fun today but let me just fuel you guys up before we go in." I took a deep breath and held it as Angelo glanced back at Luca who nodded his head once.

"This thing in here...he knows our Evelyn. He slipped up and said that his boss had a thing for our sister. We need every drop of information out of him. Now that you know, right this way." By the time he was done speaking I was shaking with anger. I turned my head and saw everyone's eyes grow dark as Marco and Alessandro pushed past the twins.

Luca lead the way to the room and when we walked in an older white man was tied down to an old chair, he had no hair and had wrinkles all over his fat saggy body. I saw red as he opened his eyes and glanced up at everyone. Leo walked around the chair and grabbed his throat making him look up at all nine of us. "Playtime."

I wasted no time in taking out my knife and putting it straight through his leg making him groan in pain. He was already missing teeth and had a few burn marks to add to the cuts around his bare chest. "How do you know our sister." I twisted the knife in his leg and felt the nerves cutting as the flesh wrapped around the knife in a snug grip.

He shook his head and smiled while I stepped to the side to let Sergio through. Sergio threw a few punches to his face and Salvatore had to pull him off before he killed him, Sergio threw his foot up and kicked him in the balls.

The man screamed in pain and tried to move his hands but it was no use seeing as they were tied to the chair. "Tell us, you bastard!" Salvatore whispered something into Sergio's ear and shoved him into a corner. "What a sweet girl really." The man spits out a few teeth along with blood.

Marco had left the room so Alessandro took his spot and grabbed his gun from the waist band of his pants. Alessandro pointed the gun at the man's dick making him squirm. "Tell us." Alessandro cocked the gun back and the man took a big deep breath.

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