Chapter forty-two 🫶🏼

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Evelyns pov

Today was the day, the day that I get to kill my abuser. I turned around to face Nico who was still asleep next to me. I placed my hand on his cheek and leaned closer to his lips. My heart raced as I told myself to just lean in and close that gap, just close it.

I finally closed the gap and kissed his soft lips, sweet like honey and smooth like a nice sleet of snow. I leaned back and placed my hand over his lips. "I think I'm in love with you and it scares me. I have to go, please don't be mad." I slipped out of bed and grabbed my phone from my side table.

As I looked down at my phone I walked into my closet and tried to find an outfit while texting Salvatore. I grabbed a black long-sleeve shirt and black jeans that gave my butt a nice lift. I grabbed my holster and placed my gun and my knife in there along with a few magazines.

I looked in my closet mirror and quickly looked around for a hair tie. My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I quickly pulled it out while still looking for a hair tie.

Salvatore texted me with a running emoji and below it, he said 'hurry up kid, go out of your window.' Once I found a hair tie I tied my hair and quickly left my closet with my black combat boots in my hand.

Walking from my closet to my window I felt a hand on my waist making me gasp. I shivered as I felt a warm breath by my ear, making my body freeze at the motion. "You are not going my love." I turned around to face Rain and I shook my head, feeling guilt ride in me for an unknown reason.

His hands that rested on my hip grew painful as he tightened his grip on them. I pushed on his chest and his hands dropped to his sides. "Baby, I have to. I have to do this." I cupped his cheek and leaned up to give him a kiss but he put his hand on my chest and pushed me away.

I looked up at him, shocked by his actions. I felt my heart rip as I started to walk away towards the window. "I can't love someone who is dead Evelyn. I don't want to love you when you are dead, I want to love you when you are alive and right now you are killing yourself by being selfish." I ignored him as I opened my window, the cool breeze from the two am air struck me in the face.

I quickly climbed down to the last floor and I looked around for a second before I spotted Salvatore standing by a black sports car. I walked over to him and my heart started to pound in my chest at the look on his face. He was serious, his eyebrows pulled, and his eyes were squinted. Before I could ask what was wrong I felt a warm thumb under my cheek.

"You are crying." He stated, as if I hadn't known for myself that I was crying like a baby. I shook my head, playing dumb. Unfortunately, he didn't look convinced as he lead me to the sports car with his hand on my shoulder.

As soon as I sat down in the soft leather seat I melted into the warmth that came through it. The pilot's door was opened and I looked over, covering my heart as my eyes squeezed shut. "It's fine chicken, I'm going with." I slowly nodded my head as Sergio slid the rest of the way into the car.

While Sergio was driving Salvatore was in the backseat, cleaning his guns and knives that I swore were already clean. I placed my head on the windowsill while my phone started to buzz in my back pocket. " I doing the wrong thing?" I saw him glance at me before sighing deeply and slowly shaking his head.

"No. I think it's the right thing, I don't like it at all but if it helps you then I'm fine with it. As long as you stay close to us and stay safe." He spoke in a stern voice making me immediately nod my head.

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