Marcus stoically stood in the furthest corner away from Holly and her brother as the food was laid out. Normally this large room was used for meetings. It could hold the entire coven if needed but it seems to function well enough as a dining table. Marcus was trying to give Holly some space, he knew he was overwhelming her but he didn't dare leave her alone. Look what happened with Jane and Alec, he had to be here for her safety. He was painfully aware this whole introduction with Holly was not going well. She was terrified of him. Not that he could blame her, he foolishly injured her beloved brother. He felt so guilty, not about the actual injury he inflicted, only that Holly was so upset by it. At this moment she was lavishing all her attention upon Max as she was preparing him a plate of food. The envy that bubbled through Marcus's body was enough to drive him insane. She was babbling trying to tell her brother everything he had missed, well he was unconscious. Marcus inwardly chuckled to himself as she refers to Alec and Jane as those 'scary teenagers'. It occurred to him at this moment that maybe Holly still doesn't seem to fully comprehend all that she had learned about vampires yet. How long does it take a human to retain new information? Did their minds process that much slower than vampires? Maybe they have been too harsh in dealing out punishment to their human assistants around the palace. Many were killed for simple, small misunderstandings. Marcus decided perhaps a further study on this was required.

"Max everything we learned about Vampires is a lie...... they can't be staked in the heart and the sun doesn't burn them up. I haven't seen any caskets anywhere..... I don't think they sleep." Holly whispered, well maybe she has learned more than Marcus was giving her credit for, except she seems to have forgotten that he has advanced hearing and the whispering was not concealing anything from across the large room. "Maybe silver bullets..... Wait no that's werewolves. Oh my god! Do you think werewolves are real?"  Holly looks at her brother with big eyes pondering the existence of those transforming beasts. Should Marcus be concerned that she seems to be searching for ways to kill him?

"Holly, enough!" Max suddenly yells causing both Holly and Marcus to startle. The brother rubs one side of his temple. "I have had enough of all of this. I don't know what's happening here but there is no such thing as vampires or werewolves." Max seethed and Holly looked down at her plate, she was on the cusp of tears and Marcus was ready to kill Max for causing them. Max let out an exasperated sigh, reaching across the table and placing his hand on Holly's giving it an apologetic squeeze.

"Oh Hol, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you like that, it's just my head is killing me and well I don't know what's going on here but I know it's not frickin' vampires." Max lets out a sigh as he studies Marcus's presents. "There is no such thing." He whispered harshly, Marcus can't help but smirk, he loved this new century. Even with the truth in front of them, humans now refuse to believe. Marcus remembers all too well when humans would easily believe in their existence. It is so much easier to hide in plain sight now. "Just talk about anything else, please. We need to go home soon. Talk about what we will do when we get home." Max continued to stare down at Marcus who was clenching his fist. He didn't like talk of Holly leaving. Holly starts chatting happily about her school and friends as Max and Marcus continue to stare at one another.

".......and there's prom. Maddy messaged me the other day and told me she heard Chris is going to ask me to go with him." Both men's heads snap to Holly, whose cheeks are flushed a deep crimson. She has a small smile on her lips she is clearly very happy with this news

"Chris who? The boy that got kicked off the soccer team for fighting? I don't think so, Holly." Max growls and for the first time, Marcus actually agrees with the annoying brother. Holly going to prom with some human boy was out of the question! Holly leaving Volterra is also not happening; he would not lose his Sun again. "I thought we agreed on no dating until you were done with college." Holly's spirit looked deflated at your brother's words and now Marcus found himself torn. Anything that made Holly unhappy just couldn't be allowed but she also couldn't be gallivanting around with some boy either. Images of an unknown human dancing with Holly flash through his mind and Marcus is ready to kill just thinking about it.

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