Demetri had been following Holly Fraiser for weeks. He finds her likeness to Didyme to be unsettling, stirring up old emotions he had long since forgotten. He like so many others had loved Didyme. Sadly Didyme ever showed any interest in him, it was always Marcus that had her eye. Luckily Demetri was never one to be envious or wallow in unrequited love. There were plenty of fish in the sea! So Demetri happy embraced his role as the eternal bachelor, perfectly content in accepting what Didyme was offering him, which was friendship. When they lost her in battle Marcus was not the only one to feel the sting, the Volturi took a great loss that day. One would have thought an irreplaceable one but yet here he finds himself stalking a girl that is not only Didyme's image but seems to have the same happy personality that is infectious to those around her. Demetri was fairly confident that Holly Fraise too had this ability to make people around her feel contentment.

He lurked in the shadows preparing to follow her to school like he does every morning. "Why can't I go?" He can hear her voice, along with her delicate steps on the stairs, followed by the heavy stomp of that brother of hers. Demetri didn't normally bother himself much with mortals but this Max........ Over the last few weeks, Demetri had thought of many different ways to just get rid of him. "You let me go last year!"

"Last year I was able to chaperone, I have work that night." Demetri could her the bother say "Besides we don't have the money to get you a new dress."

"I can wear last year's dress! Come on Max it's the winter formal! There will be plenty of other chaperon's there!" Holly says as she pulls her toque down as they exit the building.

"I said no and that's the last I want to hear about it," Max says exiting the building behind Holly. "Jesus it's cold. Come one I'll get you a ride." He moves over to the car parked next to the building.

"I'll walk, wouldn't want you to be late for work," Holly said in a defeated tone, that for some reason made Demetri angry, why shouldn't the girl have some fun? For weeks she has done nothing but goes to school and returns home. How many time Demetri listen to her apologizing and defending her brother to her friends.

"Oh come on Hol, don't be mad. You still have prom at the end of the year. I already have the day scheduled off and everything." Max says giving her shoulders a little shake. "Don't make me feel guilty, it's just a silly dance."

"Yeah you're right, it's just a silly dance. There's still prom." She says putting a big smile on her face. "Besides I can use the extra time to study for my physics exam."

"There's that winner attitude I love. So now that that's settled, you're sure about the ride?" Holly waves him off and turns heading down the street. "You have your phone and your keys?"

"Yes, yes just go to work already!" She let out a little giggle calling over her shoulder.

"Text me when you get to school and when you get home! It's you and me Hol!" Max called, Holly does a pirouette giving her brother a final wave.

"Yup you and me!" Holly said shaking her head and continuing down the sidewalk.

Demetri just couldn't stand that brother. For weeks he watched them, the guy was not overprotective, he was obsessed with keeping Holly safe. Demetri wouldn't be surprised there was some sort of tracker on that phone of hers! Even Demetri felt suffocated just watching it, he doesn't understand why the girl takes this dictator of a brother commanding every aspect of her life.

The car comes to life and Demetri watches Max pull out into traffic. He could have a car 'accident' on his way to work......... Demetri shakes his head, he can't kill the guy........yet! Demetri smiles to himself before he starts following Holly at a safe distance not to attract her attention. Like every morning she stops at the corner cafe shop buying herself a hot chocolate. As she sips your hot beverage as she continues down her street, a content smile on her face. She dukes into the alleyway to get over to the next street that her school is located on, a route he's sure big brother won't approve of. Demetri climbs the roof from where he can watch Holly make her way into the schoolyard. As normal she is greeted by her friends, which there seem to be in abundance of. Most people called out 'good morning' greeting to her as she makes her way to the building, only reminding Demetri more of Didy. Vampires would also seek out Didy's attention back in the day and when she did give them even the slightest it would be moments of pure bliss. Demetri remembers the feeling of complete contentment that would wash over him, how could she not be loved with such a gift?

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