Aro had originally planned on getting rid of the brother but if he can keep Holly calm then perhaps he had a use for now. Aro simply could not risk her accidentally harming herself trying to escape or worse have Marcus accidentally harming her trying to restrain her. She is so fragile and yet so completely unaware of that fact.

"What else do you want my Sun?" Marcus gently caressed the girl's cheek. "Name it and I will see to it that it is done, anything to make you happy."

"I.....I want to go home." The girl stammered looking hopefully up at Marcus. Aro chuckled, of course, she would overreach and request the impossible. That was one trait he had always admired in Didyme, there was never any half measure in her dreams. Sadly she lacked the drive to follow through to complete those dreams. She would simply move onto the next dream leaving the rest to catch up. His sister was the original dreamer of the Volturi court, where they would rule and dispense justice for their kind. All this was her dream until she became bored with it and wanted to leave. Why could he simply not let her go?

"You are home my Sun. You just don't realize it yet." Marcus chuckled patting her head like she was an endearing child asking to have a dessert before supper.

"I have to go home, I have to go back to school and then it's graduation and prom. Max promised I could go!" She started making a list of all these trivial goals, all of them seem so entirely pointless to the men before her.

"Child you will have no need for any of those things, we are offering you a better future." Aro smiled happily, opening his arms, they were offering her immortality, to live forever in a castle where every meal is brought to her. She will never have to work or struggle all she has to do is keep Marcus happy existing peacefully with them all.

"I....I liked my life the way it is. I like going to school and seeing my friends." Oh no Aro can see tears building in the girls eyes again, he can't recall humans ever crying this much, was there a limit on the number of tears one human can create? He truly hoped so.

"You will make new friends here, you already like Demetri. We can introduce you to others. Jane and Alec perhaps, they were changed around your age." Aro's suggestion was met with a hiss from Marcus as he protectively pulled Holly to his chest.

"Never, keep them away from my Sun." Marcus growled angrily

"Brother the twins would never harm the girl." Marcus only continues to glare at Aro, ok yes both Alec and Jane liked to play with their food. Little Jane loved making the scream, whereas Alec liked to take away their sense and watch them stumbled around blind and helpless. Kids will be kids. You have to let them have their fun.

"Brother the twins would never betray me. If I told them to be gentle......." Marcus only shakes his head holding Holly tighter as she starts to struggle against him. Fine, maybe Marcus is right. It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Sulpicia perhaps then, " His mate had found the girl, after all, she would not wish to harm the girl.

"It's not safe, she smells too good. Anyone that is to be around her has to be fed first." Marcus snapped. "I can not risk any accidents." Marcus hushes the upset girl still trying to get out of his hold.

"As you wish brother, food is always available." It made no difference to Aro and if it would make Marcus happy then it would be done. The girl released a scream at this point that was so unexpected that Marcus released his hold in fear that he had somehow accidentally harmed her.

"No one is listening to me." The girl yelled at them. "I don't want new friends, I don't want to live here. I want my brother. I want to go home!" Her little rant was delivered with all the passion her feeble body had to offer. She was clearly moved into a stage of anger.

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