Aro stands in the hall looking at the portrait of his sister; it was the anniversary of Didyme's death. Marcus was locked away in his wing. His normal yearly ritual, he will emerge in a few weeks hungry and ready to once again take his place next to Aro.

Aro was not a man with many regrets. He has lived centuries like a god on earth. The leader of his kind, all answered to him. Though looking at the oil-painted face of his once-beloved sister, he did regret this. Killing Didyme was one decision he wishes he could take back. At the time Aro thought sacrificing his dear sister would be worth keeping Marcus by his side, but in truth, Aro miscalculated he underestimated the bond between mates. To this day, Marcus has not recovered from the loss. He was not the man he was before and centuries later he is showing no signs of recovery.

"Master, oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to disturb you," Elizabeth cautiously approaches Aro, her eyes taking in Didi's portrait. "I never had the opportunity to meet Lady Didyme, but I have only heard great things about her." Elizabeth, for the most part, was still a child. It had only been a few centuries since she was turned. Sadly she had no extraordinary gift but she was welcome nonetheless just another one of his many children.

"She was greatly loved." Something at the time that Aro didn't hold much stock in but now seeing the Cullen's and the bond between them, he thinks he might have greatly misjudged his sister's gift. He takes in his sister's face, seeing so much regret. He releases a sigh, turning his full attention to Elizabeth. "What have you found my child?"

"Just to let you know that Demetri has yet to locate the Vampire Joham." The hunt had yet to turn up any results, and Aro was most anxious to speak with this man and his other half-breed children.

"He will turn up, tell my children to come home." Are was always more comfortable with the full guard present and with his best enforcer and tracker off hunting, he couldn't help but feel slightly vulnerable. "Alert all coven that Joham and his children are summoned here. In time he will come to us, patience is a virtue after all."

"As you wish Master." Elizabeth gave a small bow. Soon his children would all be home. With Marcus absent, Aro has little desire to go to the throne room with Caius being in a foul mood for the last few weeks. He views the half-breeds as a danger to their world and wants them destroyed. For Aro, he is most intrigued by them. Marcus, as usual, is indifferent. So not wishing to be alone with grumpy Caius, Aro instead decides to go visit Sulpicia. She too had loved Didy as her sister and mourned her still.

"My sweet!" He enters Sulpicia's private room with a knock on the door. She was at her computer, how he hated the human's modern technology, but Sulpicia did not share his view on it. For her, it was a way to go out into the world without leaving the safety of her tower, and if it kept her up here safe from harm, Aro would allow it. She jumps as he enters quickly shutting off the device. Why does she seem so guilty? Aro is immediately suspicious of this reaction. "What are you doing my love?" The high pitch 'Nothing' she offered as a reply did not help settle his suspicion. He pulls off his glove, "Take my hand my sweet."

"Aro, it is nothing." Aro only tilts his hand to the side not breaking eye contact he extends his hand. She reluctantly moves forward taking hold. Sulpicia should know better than to try and keep secrets from him.

She's on some sort of social sharing site. Humans sharing needless information about their pointless lives, sharing photos like the world actually cared to see. New baby, birthday parties, all pointless yet his dear mate enjoys looking at all the photos. One image takes hold. Holly Fraiser, American, age 17 The girl is the spitting image of Didy. The same hair, the same eyes, same smile, picture after picture flash one after another in Aro's mind. His wife has been watching her for weeks, the sneaking minx!

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