Part 13

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Having lived centuries inside a large coven Marcus had learnt to enjoy silence when even he found it, but the silence building between himself and the annoying brother at this moment was anything but pleasant. Marcus could actually feel the man's hostility radiating off him. Max reminded Marcus of an active volcano; the man's emotions were like molten lava constantly bubbling below the surface with the unpredictability of bubbling over at any moment. There was one thing both these men had in common and that was they both wanted what was best for Holly. The problem was they both probably have very different ideas of what is best for her. Marcus moves slowly to take a seat watching Max closely as he takes a calming breath. This human was the key to Holly's staying here with him. Marcus needed to win this man over but the icy glare he was now receiving from Max was a clear indicator that they were already off to a poor start.

"I'll admit it, alright, maybe you all really are vampires cause I've seen some shit I can't explain away but that doesn't change a damn thing. Holly is just a kid; she hasn't even finished high school yet." Max immediately once again points out the age difference. If he only knew Marcus's true age. When one has lived as long as himself, they stop keeping track of silly things like age. Time is a human construct and means nothing to him. Hours, days, weeks, years, decades, centuries, millennia, they are all the same. Marcus views his life in two periods: one of happiness and one of sorrow. He existed before Diddy, but  he only truly started to live after she entered his life. Their time together seemed to pass quickly, centuries of endless joy and happiness. Then his time of sorrow after he lost her.  Time seemed to crawl to a halt as days all merged into endless emptiness. Now that Holly has appeared into his life it felt like the dawn of a new day. The Sun has returned to him daring him to hope that he could once again have happiness in this existence.

"I assure you, your sister's youth has little to do with you both being here. Had we found her when she was in her thirties or even her eighties, we still would have wished to meet her. I know this is an odd situation for all three of us and I don't expect you to understand but I love Holly and only wish to keep her safe." Max scoff which causes Marcus angry to flare.

"Right!!!!You just met her! Look man Holly isn't your dead wife!" Marcus feels anger rage through his body, how dare this human belittle his love for his Sun. Holly, Diddy the name doesn't matter she is his Sun.

"I have tried to be patient with you for my Sun's sake. I do admire your dedication to her and the bond between you both is very strong, but I too once had a bond even stronger than yours with her and I will have it again. I will not allow anything to stand in my way including you. I also will no longer tolerate any more talk of Holly leaving the safety of Volterra." Marcus gets the most unpleasant spikes of rage when there is talk of Holly leaving. "I have enemies out there and when they find out about her existence, they will certainly kill her for no other reason than to take from me." Covens like to gossip, and Holly made such a dramatic first appearance at the feeding Marcus wouldn't be surprised if Vladimir and Stefan were already aware of her.

"Don't you threaten me man, I have raised Holly on my own for years. I know how to keep my sister safe." Oh, so the human believes he can protect Holly alone. Marcus  bites back a bitter laugh, maybe it is time to give his brother a lesson on vampires. "Please follow me," The coven has fight training every day at this time. Once the human sees what vampires are capable of, he will have to face the reality that Holly's safety and future were here.

As they enter the room, they see Felix in the center with Santiago. Felix's strength was superior to Santiago, but Felix had a weakness, his temper. Santiago will use this in hopes that Felix will make poor choices in his anger. All eyes turn to them as they enter. Marcus gestures for them to proceed. Marcus watches Max's skin pale as the fight ensues in front of him. In the end it wasn't Santiago day as he tapped out in defeat. Felix being the showoff that he is, lets out a feral growl baring his teeth at the poor brother, sending the man's heart rate through the roof. "Do you now believe you can truly keep her safe on your own?" Marcus murmurs taking a shocked Max by the arm trying to direct him from the room. Max seemed shaken by what he had just witnessed. They were only a few feet from the room when he pulled his arm from Marcus' grip, stumbled to the wall and vomited. "Are you alright?" Marcus asked concerned, even Holly hadn't vomited after witnessing the feeding. She had passed out though. Max stood there hunched over his vomit panting, his heart rate was much too fast. 

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