How close Aro had come to losing Holly Fraiser. In hindsight, it had been foolish to leave her to wander the halls unsupervised but he was simply too thirsty to remain close to her for the duration of her meal. Aro assumed the girl would have simply returned to her room. Not wonder that castle alone only to join Heidi's little 'tour group'! Now look at the mess they were in, he had hoped to have more time but it would seem fate was determined to push his hand, he would have to turn Holly Fraiser now or kill her, strangely neither choice seemed to please him.

"Do you care to explain to me what the hell is going on?" Caius demanded harshly after the curious coven dispersed from the room. Aro was staring out the window at the garden, lanterns lighting the pathways so people could still enjoy the garden in the evening. Honestly, Aro didn't feel like dealing with Caius at the moment. Aro had more important things to do, he needed to make sure the young Miss Fraiser wasn't hurt. Marcus could have easily broken her in his embrace only moments ago. Also, Aro is curious to see Holly's reaction to Marcus. Would Marcus somehow trigger some sort of centuries-old memory of her past life? Aro figured that was unlikely. After all, being in his presence didn't seem to affect the girl. No Aro believes he is safe from any "You Killed Me" accusation from the young girl. Holly appears to have the same likes and dislikes as Didyme. She also seems to be naturally drawn to Didyme's old possession but Didyme's actual memories not so much.

It is unfortunate that this would be Marcus and Holly's first meeting. Aro had been secretly planning a perfect meeting too, he was going to have them meet in the very garden he was looking at now. Well, there's no use crying over spilled milk! They would just have to clean it up.  The girl will likely be hysterical when she wakes, Aro releases a frustrating sigh, how complicated everything has just become. "Well?" Caius demanded again when Aro didn't respond fast enough from his liking.

"What is there to explain to Caius, you saw for yourself," Aro replied coolly, the tone was a clear warning for Caius to back off. In fact, Aro was not going to stay here to be questioned. "I need to go check on the girl." Aro turns to flee Caius down the hall but to no avail, Caius was right behind him.

"You're right, I did see. You found a human that resembles Didyme, great..... Fantastic! But why is she still human? If you wish for her to replace Didyme then do so!" Aro takes the halls leading him to Marcus's wing of the palace. "I hope you're not thinking about using her to create your own half breed monsters!" Caius spoke the words with pure disgust. Aro freezes on the spot, the thought had never occurred to him but by god Caius is right! This could prove to be an interesting opportunity. No,  Aro shakes his head, Marcus and Holly have only just met, it was too early to think about them creating a hybrid for him. "That's your plan, isn't it?! I will not tolerate one here in my home, Aro. They should all be destroyed." Caius hissed at Aro, the whole coven is aware of Caius feeling about the hybrids since they were discovered, Aro, on the other hand, sees the hybrid as an opportunity and well he hates the fact the Carlisle get to have one and he doesn't.

"Relax old friend, I have no such plan. I merely wish to give Marcus the choice concerning the girl's fate." They are now outside the door of Marcus's rooms. "Now if you'll excuse me." Aro makes a quick escape shutting the door in Caius' annoyed face. The east wing of the castle is Marcus'. The walls are filled with books, enough to rival any library in the world. For as much as Aro's life is about collecting power, Marcus' is about collecting knowledge. Books about every subject could be found here, in Marcus' private collection. One of the things Aro always did admire about Marcus, he truly was one of the more adaptable vampires. In the corner of the room was a computer system. Marcus embraced new technology and marvelled at the humans and their inventive nature.

In the center of the room Aro finds Marcus kneels still as a statue next to the sofa, he just watches the still unconscious Holly Fraiser sleep. "If she wakes to find you staring at her it may frighten her," Aro whispers moving to the backside of the sofa to inspect Holly Fraiser's condition.

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