Aro watched as the weak yet determined Holly Fraiser made yet another feeble escape attempt from Marcus's hold. The silly child would push with all her strength until her pitifully weak arms trembled from the effort. When her arms could take no more she would release a whiny of defeat weakly collapsing into Marcus's hold, only to repeat the same process minutes later. If only she would realize she could never break Marcus's hold, at least not in her current pathetic form. Aro felt himself starting to feel pity for the girl as she failed at yet another attempt but this time tears slid down her face and she released a frustrated whine.

"Please no more tears my Sun." Marcus says as he desperately tries to comfort the girl, she fearfully stares at Marcus as he attempts to wipe away her tears.

"Stop touching me!" She turned her head trying unsuccessfully to avoid Marcus' hand. Marcus ignores her ply and continues in his attempt to gently remove the tears from her cheek. "No, I said NO! Get your freezing hands-off ME!" She snaps, throws her teeth, the fearful look in her eyes has been replaced with anger and she balls up her little fist and hits Marcus in the chest with all the might her feeble arm has to offer which only results in her now clenching her hand to her chest in pain. "Son of A..........OUCH! What the hell?" She hissed through her teeth, her determined anger quickly replaced with a puzzled fear as to why her strike had no impact at all and only resulted in her pain.

"Marcus, maybe you should consider releasing the girl, give her some room to breathe," Aro suggested, as much fun as he was having to watch this little meeting, he was now starting to grow impatient with the girls whining, the pity he had felt was now quickly changing to annoyance. He didn't remember humans being this querulous. Then again the only humans he encountered the past hundred years that weren't food had all been eager to please ladies like young Francesca. Perhaps, humans were naturally this bothersome when they are not hoping to impress a vampire's counsel for a chance at immortality.

"She will only try to run again if I do, besides I like her where she is," Marcus said calmly as he attempts to stroke the girl's face, again she averts her head trying to escape Marcus's touch and again she sadly fails.

"Holly dearest," Aro says, trying to draw the girls fearful stare away from Marcus, who was now delicately pulling wayward strands of her hair out of her face. He was completely enthralled by the young Holly, which was entirely the purpose of her being brought here but still, Aro now requires both their attention. Things needed to be explained to the girl, she may have already damaged her hand with her feeble strike earlier.  "Marcus please refrain from a moment, you are overwhelming the child," Aro says exasperated as Marcus is now trying to comfort and calm Holly, he whispers to her to tell her that she will always be safe with him. How he would never allow anyone to harm her, unfortunately, Marcus delivered the entire thing in Italian!

"Marcus, she doesn't speak Italian." Aro quietly reminds him, "Please just release her for a moment brother,  we need to explain things. Then you will be free to coddle the girl until your heart's content." This seems to get a rise out of Holly, as she starts to put up a fight in Marcus's arms yet again.

"No, there will be no cuddling! I'm not cuddling with anyone." Aro can't help but laugh at the child now, she clearly doesn't understand and has let your tiny mind draw conclusions to the meaning of the word coddle.

"Oh young one, please stop fighting us, you will only hurt yourself, besides you clearly have seen by now that there is no way for you to out power us, so why don't you just relax for a moment, let me explain some of what you have seen so far." Aro stands moving over to the couch placing a hand on Marcus should. "Brother please," Marcus reluctantly, releases his hold on Holly, and Aro for his part offers the girl a helping hand to stand.


Holly is desperately trying to get out of Marcus's arms. What the hell was wrong with him? No matter how hard she fought, protested, pushed, or even hit the man his firm hold doesn't give. In fact, hitting him ended up hurting her hand more than anything. It was like she pounded her first into a concrete wall, her hand was still throbbing from the punch she gave him. At this point even if she did get free from his hold she knew she was too weak to make a decent run for it. Her arms and legs ache from the effort she has already put into her escape attempts but she wasn't going to give up. She couldn't give up! She needs to get back to Max. Oh, Max! He was probably back from his date and she knew he was going to freak out when he found her room empty. She should be in her room right now watching tv, waiting to tease her brother about his night out. Instead, she was here with whatever these two guys are .....she didn't care anymore, she no longer cared why they had red eyes or that they were super strong or fast, all she cared about was getting back to Max and getting him the hell out of this place.

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