"It's vanilla, right?" Felix inhales deeply, "Vanilla and oh it's a bit citrusy." Felix had spent the last hour whispering to Demetri about Holly's scent.

"Lemon," Demetri said hoping it would shut his friend up. Though Demetri just fed all this talk was making him thirsty and Felix wasn't wrong Holly Fraiser did smelt good. Demetri had, of course, noticed her scent in the past few weeks of following her but it was much stronger now in the confines of the plane.

"That's it! She is going to drive me crazy the whole flight. If Aro decides not to keep her I call dibs." Felix always called dibs, he also preferred young females, saying their blood taste sweeter. For Demetri blood is blood, as long as it's available he wouldn't complain.

After the humans were fed they received pillows and blankets, the light we're dimmed and thankfully soon Demetri could hear their rate rates slow and breathing change indicating both humans were asleep.

Heidi soon glides gracefully back, she scowled slightly at the sleeping pair as she passed before falling in the seat that faced Felix.

"What was that?" Felix said an amused arch in his brow. Heidi slumps onto the seat with a pouting lip in place.

"I had the guy primed and ready to go, then that little girl somehow completely shattered it. He was completely ready to turn down my offer. That's never happened to me before! I don't get it!" Oh, Demetri gets it. He remembers when that happened to Jane. Jane still can't stand the fact that she has no effect on the Cullen's newborn. At least Heidi seems to be taking it better than Jane. For a week straight Jane walked around inflicting pain on anyone that looked at her. It's not often that Aro reprimands his favorites but Jane ended up getting told to 'stop acting like a child' after Aro found her torturing one of the human assistants. Demetri doesn't know her name, he doesn't bother to learn their names anymore, it seems like a waste of time.

"Oh, I called dibs," Felix said licking his lips causing Heidi to roll her eyes.

"You're joking, right? Do you think for one second Aro doesn't have a plan? Or Marcus is going to let her go once he sees her? That little girl will soon be locked up in the tower with the other wives." Heidi said glance over her shoulder at the sleeping pair. "I almost feel sorry for her. She'll be blessed with an eternity of living in a gilded cage." Heidi said, shaking her head. "Either way there will soon be a newborn for us all to babysit." Heidi huffs looking at her watch and Demetri thinks this is going to be a long flight.

Aro most certainly did have a plan! First, he needed to run a few tests. He wanted to see how much of Didy was in the recurrence's form. If she shows up declaring Aro murdered her that could be a serious problem! He also had to figure out when would be the best time to show her to Marcus. Marcus recently rejoined the group from his annual morning period. He sat in his normal seat to Aro's right in his same indifferent mood. Aro recalls the days when Marcus's laughter could be heard from rooms away. What Aro would give to hear his friend's laughter once again.

Aro enters a sitting room where Giana's replacement Francesa is hard at work making sure everything is ready.

"My Lord Aro, " Francesa bows her head, her voice a slightly higher pitch than normal. A sign that she is nervous. "Everything is ready for your inspection." Francesa was clever enough for a human, only time will tell if she will fair better in her position that poor late Giana had. Francesca stands aside holding her breath well Aro walks around the table set for tea. Aro was sure to have Didy's favorite flower brought it. He also placed a few other old belongings around, he wanted to see if this Holly Fraiser would notice them.

"Very nice, " Was all Aro said causing Francesca to release a breath in relief, "So you will welcome my guest. Give the man this credit card for their expense. I want you to tell them a bit about the history of Volterra. You will be responsible for them Francesa. They are to be kept away from the coven at this time, especially Marcus." Aro points a finger at the girl, she nods her head in fearful understanding.

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