Chapter 14

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Marcus released an audible sigh and his body felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders when Demetri informed them that Holly had returned safely. Marcus had spent the entire time she was out on her little adventure pacing the floor downstairs. He plotted the lecture he would deliver about how irresponsible she and this new 'friend' have been but the perfectly planned speech seemed to evaporate as the relief relaxed him. He now just wanted to hold her in his arms where she is safe in his care, which he fully intended to do.

"Don't even think about it!" Aro snapped as another wave of agonizing wails echoed down the hallway. Max was in the beginning stages of the transformation process and it was going to be a couple long days ahead. It was policy that the vampire responsible for the transformation to watch over their fledgling until the process was complete. Then the hard job of teaching a young and strong newborn control, but fortunately for Marcus the coven would assist in this part. Raising a newborn was far easier with a coven's help.

"Brother, I must ensure Holly is unharmed. Can you not watch the boy for a moment so I may check on my beloved? I swear I will return shortly." Marcus certainly hopes for the young hybrid's sake that Holly doesn't even have a scratch on her or Marcus would rip the blond girl's head from her shoulders.

"I'm certain Holly is fine." Another scream of anguish comes from the room. "Right now you have to deal with your impulsive decisions. I have no problem watching over our dear young Holly." Marcus doesn't like the thought of Aro alone with Holly either. No for safety reasons. No, Aro would never harm Holly but Marcus knows Aro is plotting something. Aro is normally forthcoming with his schemes so the fact that he is concealing them has Marcus nervous.

"In a few days this drama will be over," Aro gestured toward the door containing the brother.

 "We will have a new member and you can be back with your beloved. I am hoping he will be gifted. Dare I dream?" Aro mused before he makes his way down the hall. Marcus watches Aro retreating form and takes in an unnecessary sigh turning to enter the room that contained Max's agonizing wails.

On entering Marcus finds Max curled into a ball on the corner of the room, sweat running down his forehead, his arm now confined in a cast is up by Marcus bite mark, his fingers clawing at his exposed shoulder. A common reaction to the burning sensation of the venom starting to make its way through the bloodstream, but Max's digging was starting to damage his skin. Marcus would need to bring out the restraints soon. The venom would repair any damage done now in its final stage. It would be like it never happened but it wasn't fun to watch a human claw their own skin from the body.

"Wh....what....did you to" Max pants out. Marcus does feel slightly bad for the man, then again he did bring this onto himself.

"It was a necessary step," Marcus picks up a chair and moves it closer to Max curled up form, he takes a seat leaning forward resting his arms on his knees folding his hand in front of him. "You had made it very clear that you would take Holly from me. Which left me with only a few options. You could have left alone, I would have let you leave but we both know you would not leave Holly behind. I could have killed you, removing you would have been the easiest thing for me but it would have broken Holly's heart and despite what you think of me. Holly's safety and happiness are my sole priority." Max only scoffs at Marcus' confusion of devotion to Holly which Marcus chooses to ignore. "I had originally planned on leaving you both in your human forms, living here with us until you were both ready to join us but again you forced my hand." Max started to claw at his arm, the venom clearly starting to progress through the bloodstream.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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