All in all, Aro was quite pleased with the results so far. Holly did not merely resemble Didyme in physical appearance. He found that Holly had the same personality and even exhibits a connection to Didy's past belongings. Yet Holly Fraiser was different as well, a product of her age and time. Holly Fraiser was far less mature than Didy had been at her current age. Though that should be expected. In the end, they were all products of their time.

Aro was once again observing the brother and sister as they once again had tea with Francesca. Aro found this relationship was proving to be quite interesting. Max Fraiser seemed to share Aro's desire for control though, unlike Aro, his core personality revolved around protection. The protection of Holly especially, which just happened to be the one area Aro failed in as a brother. Though it also made that man overbearing, causing Holly to often compromise her wants and need to keep him happy. That seemed to be Holly's primary goal, to keep her brother happy. Aro sat back pensively watching the pair. Could this be attributed to Didy's death? Did his murdering Didy somehow become the foundation for this new recurrences life?

Aro knew his time was running out, the pair had been here over a week. They are starting to question when they will be returning home. Aro hadn't completed his study yet, in fact, the more he observed the more questions he had. He also wasn't able to get Holly alone to study her without the influence of her brother since the day they arrived.

Aro's first thought was Heidi, she could easily distract the boy but she, unfortunately, was off procuring the coven's next feast. So it was down to Francesca. Aro giving her directed order to distract the brother by any means necessary. So now he watches the determined female set to work. He watches as Francesca flatters and flirts with Max who blushes but seems to be enjoying the attention he is receiving. Holly seems to be overjoyed by the scene before her, pouncing on the opportunity.

"Max you know, I'm really tired after all that walking today. Why don't you take Francesca out for dinner tonight? I'll stay here and veg out!" Holly smiled widely looking between the pair. It took some more pushing for Holly and a pouty lip from Francesca to cave the man.

Aro smiled smugly when the date was set. Closing the computer. He would have a meal organized for Holly so he could observe her alone again.

Aro walked around the table setting once again slightly nervous. As he waits for Holly to arrive. When she entered Aro was hit with her sweet scent. It was only then that it occurred to Aro that he hadn't fed in a while. Perhaps it wouldn't be safe for Holly to be alone with him. Aro waves off the thought. He would be fine, he had centuries of experience under his belt. He could hand being around the girl even if he was thirsty.

"My dear, how happy I am that you were able to join me." Aro welcomed Holly as she entered the room.

"I should cancel." Max said pacing back and forth in front of Holly.

"Don't be silly. She's really cute and seems to really be into you." Holly said stopping Max's nervous pace. She pushes the hair off his forehead giving it a bit more style.

"I can't just leave you here alone," Max murmured taking Holly's hand. "What if something happens?"

"What could possibly happen? Francesca said my supper will be in the same dining room we eat in every night. I'll eat and I'll return to my room. I'll watch some TV and go to bed early. Please, Max, go and have some fun for once. You deserve it!" She places a kiss on her brother's cheek. Giving him a little push out the door. "Just go already!"

Holly was so happy that Max was going on a date, she put her earbuds in and did a happy dance around her room before flopping down on her bed with a satisfied sigh. This was totally good for him. Max needs to start doing normal things. She wasn't a kid anymore. He needed to start living his life a bit instead of worrying about her all the time. When her stomach gave a grumble she decided it was time to head to the dining room. With her phone still provided some music she hummed along she made her way down the hallway.

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