Chapter 1 | End Of The Road

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"Y\N!" a familiar voice said.

I jolted suddenly to the feeling of someone gripping onto my arm tightly, slightly shaking me as a small scream escaped my lips. "H-HUH WHAT!?" I screeched, shooting up from the stiff chair that i assumed I've been dosing off in. A large tall figure stood in front of me. I looked up, immediately sighing in relief as i knew who it was from his long, blonde hair. Jackson, also known as Corruption amongst our fans, stood in front of me with a slightly worried look as if he's just been told something bad was going to happen.

"Did it happen agai-" He spoke quietly before I butted in. "I'm fine Jackson, I was just asleep that's all..." I lied, trying to reassure him.

Jackson was the only one that knew about my past between the 4 of us in the band. Only because he took me home once while I was drunk and 'stumbled' upon my PERSONAL diary. He always looked out for me after that, which was nice, but we could both seriously get into trouble if anyone was to find out about me. I moved here to start a new life, but with Jackson knowing about me it was hard to find that peace.

"Y/N... Promise me you were just asleep...?" He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if he knew I wasn't being completely honest with him. I sighed before saying anything. "Jackson don't worry abo-" I was cut off by the sudden screaming of thousands of fans. I forgot we were in the middle of a gig. I smiled at Jackson before walking towards my dressing room "Well I'll see you behind the drums!" I smiled, only to be given a frown in return. My smile faded as i watched him walk off before walking into my dressing room, grabbing my wolf skull shaped mask, placing it over my face before exiting my room, only to be greeted by our lead singer Cole, also known by fans as Byron. His rough, clean shaven face was hidden behind his golden painted wendigo mask. He looked at me, I could notice his eyes squinting, before walking off towards the back of the stage as the presenter begun to speak to the audience that waited impatiently for us. Uhm... ok...?  Byron never really liked me because I was the only girl in the band, as well as being the fans favourite, but it is unusual for him to not say anything to me. My thoughts were soon interrupted as the speaker began to read out each of our names to stage, Jackson being first. The crowd cheered as Jackson stumbled towards the stage with his blue crow mask planted onto his face, waving at the fans before sitting down behind his drum set that was splatted with red and white paint on a pillar at least 7 feet above ground. After Jackson got comfortable, the presenter brought up our bass guitarist, Crimson. We never actually knew his real name, but Crimson was good enough especially the fact that he wore his crimson painted bull skull mask while performing. As the presenter stalled for a bit while Crimson walked on, I suddenly felt a painful grip against my right arm over my infected scar that was covered with arm warmers, I yelped slightly before looking to my right. It was Byron. 

"Make the most of it, this'll be your last" He said in a deep tone before pushing me forward, making me almost stumble. What the FUCK? Whats gotten into him recently? I started to overthink. What if he found out? Did Jackson tell him? My thoughts were soon pushed aside as i heard the presenter begin to read the names once again.

"The WOLF herself... KILLSWITCH!" The presenter screamed, surprisingly loud compared to the roaring audience. I shook the thoughts of what Byron said out of my head as I pushed my way through the heavy velvet curtains that hid the backstage from the main stage, stage lights shining on me as the crowd bounced in excitement even before we started to perform. I smiled behind my mask before walking to my designated spot, picking up my wolf shaped guitar before watching the fans scream at my feet. My eyes scanned row by row, until one man in particular caught my eye. His face was covered by a mask that had pointed teeth or of some sort painted onto it with silver and green goggles. I squinted my eyes carefully, it was hard to see with all the fans jumping and screaming my name. I slightly giggled to myself before playing a quick rift on my guitar to one of our most popular songs. Pfft, your seeing things Y/N, it isn't him. Why would he even listen to our shit anyway? I laughed it off as I played along with our band, Byron soon throwing himself onto the stage and doing his stunts and such.

Time Skip:

"Y-YOUR WHAT?!" I screamed, my body frozen in shock as i stood there, looking to those who I thought were friends. "We're letting you go, Killswitch. We've found someone to take your spot." Byron said with no emotion. I can't believe it, after everything I've done for that asshole. I had so much to say, but nothing came out. I was just standing there with my mouth wide open. I looked at the others. Crimson said nothing as he was busy messing with his guitar as Jackson looked down at his feet. "I've called a taxi to come pick you up. Now get the fuck out of here" Byron spoke once again before a group of security pulled me away, however I fought back.

"G-GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME, OH I'M GONNA KILL THAT WASTE OF SPERM" I screeched, however it made no difference. Actually, it made it worse. I was thrown to the floor with a box of my stuff in the back alley of the building. The security guards slammed the door before I could even attempt to get back on my feet.

By the time I stood up its already been about an hour. Rain started to fall from the navy sky that soon faded to purple and orange. I sighed before picking up my stuff, thankfully my guitar in the box full of my junk. I walked through the alleyway, towards the front of the building. Fans were already making their way home, luckily none of them looking this way as i slowly walked to the darker side of the alley, the last thing I need is a group of fans wanting to take pictures with me after what just happened. After a while I reached the end of the alley, onto the main street. The street stood quiet for a while as everyone disappeared like it was a ghost town. Suddenly a door slammed open, making me jolt and almost fall backwards. Before falling i felt a pair of skinny yet strong arms around my waist, breaking my fall as well as saving my box of stuff from falling. I opened my eyes slightly, only to be met with a pair of bright green goggles and the same mask that I saw within the crowd. This has to be a dream... that cant be THE Octav-

"Didn't mean to startle you there, chica" He softly hummed into my ear. His thick spanish accent gave me butterflies as he slowly pulled me back up and looked into my eyes that were revealed by the holes of my mask. I looked down, luckily he couldn't see my face. I bet I looked like a tomato at this point. My eyes slowly trailed down his body. He wore a familiar green vest with a white top underneath, his toned stomach revealing, showing off his perfect abs and v-line. I gulped softly, looking back up at him.

...I was WAS Octavio Silva... 

He chuckled, his hands still on my waist as he leaned his head closer to mine, my mask almost touching his. "Great performance, hermosa" He said before walking off as if nothing happened...

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