Chapter 18 | Obsessed

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"That was quite a performance, killy! But I gotta say, ya gonna end up killin' yourself if ya use power like that again." Ajay exclaimed along with a laugh at the end before turning to Octavio. "Look after ya little girlfriend, Tavi. She won't be able to move for a few days so don't give her any shit."

Tavi only rolled his eyes before placing his goggles back over his stunning eyes, turning back to me. "Of course I will." His hand brushed over my stomach slightly, squeezing at my hidden skin under the duvet. "I'll give her the best of care..." His lips formed into a devilish grin before looking back at Ajay, who was already making her way out of the room. 

"I'll come back once your ready to go home, Killswitch. In the meantime, I'd get some rest if I was ya." He waved before walking out, closing the door behind her. I sighed before looking up at the ceiling, my body feeling numb.

"I guess this means you'll be living with me for a bit, huh hermosa?" Tavi chuckled, moving his hand up over my chest and tracing patterns around my breasts with his fingertips. "Not to mention that you won that bet, so I guess you really did win this one huh?" I chuckled at his response.

Time Skip:

Tavi opened up the door to his now slightly cleaner room, allowing me to walk in first before himself. He had his hand on my back as I stumbled in, still slightly weak after the events of today. Bless him too, he non stopped asked me how I was feeling throughout the whole journey. Tavi really was something special...

"Are you OK hermosa? Do you need something to drink or eat? Would you like to rest? Yo insisto, you can use my bed-" 

"Tavi, I'm fine I promise." I giggled as I spun around to face him. Our gaze glued onto each other before Tavi pulled down his mask, grabbing onto my hand and kissing the back of it so gently as if I was as fragile as a piece of artwork. I could feel my cheeks burn up under my mask as he placed multiple kisses on my hands. I was in complete awe that I somehow lost my balance and stumbled onto him, him  quickly reacting and holding onto me. He only chuckled as I looked away in embarrassment.

"Oh hermosa, pequeño mentiroso. Your not fine." He said before swiftly picking me up bridal style, walking to his kitchen where he carefully placed me onto the counter. He removed his mask and goggles, placing them on the free space next to me before making his way back to me, forcing his body between my legs as he laid his hands onto my thighs. His eyes stared deeply into mine as I did the same, both of our cheeks a soft tint of red. He only smiled before ending the silence.

"You were amazing out there hermosa. lo admitiré, they usually don't usually post the Games on a new legend arrival, but I think after your performance, eso podría cambiar" I looked at him with a confused look.

"I thought you said they don't record the Games on a new legend arrival?"

"...perdóname, I didn't want to worry you on the first game..." He looked down at his feet with a sorrow expression, making me slightly feel a bit of guilt for confronting him. I slid my hand under his chin, lifting his face up to mine.

"Your so handsome..." I blurted out without even knowing, making my eyes widen in the process. He only chuckled in return, looking into my eyes once more.

"If only I could say the same for you..." He lifted his eyebrow at me slightly, only to make me roll my eyes in the process. 

"Not happening, Tavi."

"Well, I did convince you to use your ability in the ring, so I'm sure I can change that too, right hermosa?" I looked back at Tavi, only to notice that his face was just inches away from my mask. I gulped as his body pushed up against mine, making the calm atmosphere heat up intensely.

"I thought i won the bet, not you." I said, furrowing my eyebrows in the process. He only scoffed and pouted, crossing his arms. I only rolled my eyes once again before jumping off of the counter, making me almost fall due to the sudden impact. I held onto the counter until I regained my balance, allowing me to finally stand on my 2 feet. I looked up at Tavi, who was already right behind me with his hands held under my arms, making sure I don't fall.

"Por favor tenga cuidado, I don't want you to get hurt any more." He said, a worried expression painted across his devilishly handsome face. I only smiled in the process before yawning, making him chuckle. "Someone's sleepy, why don't you have a early night hermosa?" I pouted before walking out of the kitchen slowly, trying to gain feeling in my legs again. That was until I was suddenly swooped up into Tavi's strong arms once again. I slightly giggled as I watched his face in awe as he carried me up the stairs. Every little thing this man did just seemed to drive me crazy. To the point that it's like if he wasn't here I would be lost. I feel so connected with him, to the point that I want to feel him on me forever within this short space of time of knowing him.

My thoughts were soon interrupted as Tavi has already made his way to his bed, laying me down on it in the process before making his way to his wardrobe. He grabbed a large shirt and some shorts, throwing them over to me.

"We can go shopping when your feeling better, I'll buy you some new clothes." He smiled before walking towards the stairs. My heart started to ache slightly knowing that he was going to be sleeping on the sofa because of my privacy. 

"I can sleep on the sofa if you'd like-"

"No Y/N." He said sternly, looking at me. "You need rest, and a sofa won't do you any good"

"Well sleep in the bed with me."

The atmosphere was quiet for a while, as our gazes were stuck on each other for what felt like minutes. I just sighed before pulling off my wolf skull mas, revealing the biker mask that wrapped around my mouth, nose and neck.

"I usually sleep with the mask on, so it's fine." I said.

He only smiled softly before jumping onto the bed next to me, his eyes plastered onto my face. I blushed slightly before getting up, admiring the clothes that Tavi gave to me. I looked up at him, only to notice that his gaze was too deep to interfere with. I just rolled my eyes before taking off my shirt, now gaining his attention. I giggled slightly at his reaction as I proceeded to undress in front of him, however slowing down in the process, teasing him. He shifted against the bed before grunting quietly in the process.

"Don't hermosa... Ajay said you need to rest, not for me to ruin you even more..." He growled, making my body heat up at his comment. Although the temptation was eating both of us alive, I still remained calm, until I was now dressed into Tavi's oversized clothes.

Time Skip |Octavio's POV:

My heart was racing. I couldn't help it but just think of how lucky I could be. To have Y/N right here on my chest, sleeping peacefully just made my heart flutter in too many ways. The way her legs and arms are wrapped tightly around my body, indicating that she feels safe with me. I couldn't help but stare at her stunning face too, even though only half of it was showing. The way her chest is pressed up against my stomach as her body slowly rises every now and then from her breathing. I'm obsessed with her, to the point that it's becoming unhealthy. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and now I've never felt so more alive than now.

Ajay's right, I should ask her. Everyone keeps saying we're dating, so why not make it official?

Stop being stupid Tavi, she's more likely to be into rockstars and shit, nevermind your drug addict ass. I only sighed, lost in my thoughts before placing my hand over Y/N's head, tangling my fingers in her H/L H/C hair. She slightly shuffled against me, before calmly going back to sleep. I smiled before looking up at the ceiling. We've only known each other for days, from bumping into each other after her concert to having her in my arms. How could anyone ever treat such a beautiful and innocent soul like her like shit? I don't fully know what's happened in her life but...

I looked down at her exposed arm, inspecting her scar a bit more. Not to mention that I could now observe her new scar that tore her skin down her eye that was now exposed by the dim light of the room.

I'm sure she never had it easy...

I know we've only known each other for a week Y/N, but I promise you that for as long as I live, I will protect you with all my heart...

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