Love Always Lasts | Chapter 21

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The cold bruised my skin on my hands, the rain pouring down onto me as I walk across the dark street. My voice slowly going with every scream I made, hoping to gain attention from the speed demon.


The rain started to pour down heavier which made me cover my head for some sort of protection, although it didn't do much. Luckily Eliot's bar was only a few buildings away, so I suppose I'd stay there until the rain was to end. When I walked in, I noticed that the bar was pretty empty. Eliot grinned at me as he finished polishing a glass.

"Killswitch! I'm surprised you're the gal who likes to be out in the rain." He joked, placing the glass back on the shelf before gesturing me to sit over his bar. I do so, spinning my body on the bar stool to face him as he smiles at me. "Anything you'd like?" He suddenly gasps after his sentence, jumping slightly in once place as he slams his hands against the bar. "OH I've just made some new porkchops too! I'd-love-for-you-to-try-them-I'll-be-right-back!" He raced to the back of the bar, going through some doors that led to the back of the kitchen you were assuming. You sighed quietly.

"What a shitshow..." My hands made their way to your chest, hugging my body to stay warm from the freezing rain outside. Droplets of rain splattered onto the bar from my mask, giving me some sort of entertainment for the time being. Why did he storm off like that? He didn't even give me the chance to explain myself. 

My thoughts were soon interrupted by a warm hand placing itself onto my back, making me jump slightly. I spun around in excitement, only to be paired with the eyes of Tae. My shoulders slopped slightly with disappointment. 

"Killswitch? What are you doing here all by yourself?" He made his way to the bar stall next to me, making himself comfortable as he continued to stare into my eyes with no emotion. I just zoned out, not paying any attention to Tae or even Elliot who's just come out from the back with a plate full of porkchops.

"Oh! Uh, hey Tae..." Elliot said nervously as I watched from the corner of my eye. Tae however did not respond and turn back to me. 

"Shouldn't Silva be with you? The... Druggie, weirdo thing?" Tae asked, making me instantly lose interest in the conversation. 

"Woa dude, not cool. Don't you know like, they're a, ya know..." Elliot started, although my mind was already wandering somewhere else. My eyes watched the rain hit the windows of the bar. Just the thought of knowing that Tavi is somewhere out there tore my heart into two. My fists clenched slightly. I had a chance, I had a chance to tell him how I feel... I was wrong all along, I was overthinking everything. He did like me. I threw it away... I've thrown everything in my life away, my family, my friends... Myself...

I could feel tears form in my eyes. I've never felt like this before. It was a mixture of sadness and... Rage? Octavio means a lot to me... I've lost the feeling of happiness, sadness, laughter, joy... But Tavi helped me know what it's like to be happy again... Like when I was a kid, a normal kid with a normal family, with parents who loved me so much... All people did was take advantage of me and use me. But Tavi...

...I need to find him...

I quickly pounced off of my stool, rushing towards the doors of the bar. My body pushed its way through the wooden block of doors and out into the cold, heartless rain that drenched me once again. I could hear Tae and Elliot in the bar scream for me, but I couldn't have cared less. All I needed right now was Tavi... I ran down the street, hoping to see him anywhere. However the streets were like a ghost town. Memories of me and Tavi flashed through my mind as I passed each building that carried core memories of me and him together. To the cute Spanish restaurant, to the beautiful tree we kissed under. I continued to run...

Time Skip:

"Tavi, please..." I placed my hand onto the door of his apartment.

"I said fuck off Y/N..." My heart ached at his words, however I wasn't going to stop here and now. I sighed before speaking once more.

"Tavi... Can you let me talk it out with you?"

"Why should I?" He hissed back.

"...I won the bet...?"

After a moment of silence, the door slowly opened. Revealing a tired, crying Octavio. I smiled through my mask as I made my way towards the door, waiting for him to allow me to walk in. He moved to the side, allowing me to enter his apartment, however it wasn't the same as usual. Broken glass and smashed up furniture scattered his living room and kitchen. I turnt to Tavi, quickly and pulled him into me, hugging him. I could hear him softly sob into my ear as he wrapped his arms around me, sniffling into my soaking jacket. My hands carressed his back as i fought to hold back tears as well.

"I-I...I'm so sorry Y-Y/N..." He hicupped between sobs. I shushed him softly, gripping onto him even harder.

"Please... Don't say sorry Tavi..."

We stood there for what seems like hours, just embracing each other. After a while we parted allowing me to whipe off his tears that stained his rosy cheeks. His gaze stayed on me as I did so, making the atmosphere calmer. I took a look around his apartment before turning back to him.

"Well, looks like you'll be staying with me for a bit then." I giggled, only to earn a small frown from him. My mood changed instantly after seeing his reaction, making me worry once more. "Tavi..." I lifted up my mask and pulled down my secondary mask. My index finger made its way up to his chin, lifting it slightly before planting my lips on his. I could feel his lips suddenly form into a grin as our lips collided with each others. After a while we both parted.

"I love you Y/N..."

(Ok ngl, I didn't know what tf to do in this chapter so its pretty boring lmao, but next ones gonna be  S P I C A Y  so uh yea. ALSO THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR 1K READS, IT MEANS SO MUCH ❤)

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