Chapter 20 | Confession

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I opened the bathroom door leading to Tavi's bedroom, the steam from my shower infecting the air. Tavi, who was laying on the bed with nothing but boxers, turned his gaze towards me in an exited manor.

"Y/N Y/N! You'll never guess what!" He exclaimed, quickly sitting upright on the edge of the bed, phone in hand. I gave him a confused look before sitting beside him in just my towel that wrapped around my body. He passed over his phone before playing a clip of the Games that took place. The video was titled 'New Legend Takes Her First Crown'. I looked at Tavi with a smile before looking back at his phone as it displayed the last fight between me, Bangalore and Fuse. I sighed before giving the phone back to Tavi, stepping away from the bed and towards the piled clothes that were thrown across the room during our little 'session'. I grabbed onto the shirt and shorts I was wearing, putting them on along with some underwear. 

"Hermosa, the fans love you! Don't think so harshly on yourself." Tavi said, breaking the silence between us two. I looked up at him, smiling slightly before making my way towards the stairs. Until I felt a firm grasp on my arm, making me spin right into Tavi's chest. I looked up at him with blushed cheeks, only for him to place his other hand underneath my chin, stroking my cheek softly with his thumb.

"Vamos princesa, your no different from the other legends, lo prometo." I smiled softly before pressing my lips against his, kissing him softly. I squeezed my face slightly, forcing his lips deeper into mine with hunger. 

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Tavi only grunted before pulling away. 

"Fóllame, cada vez. Someone's always gotta ruin the fucking moment... Estúpidos coños" Tavi mumbled as he angrily stomped down the stairs. I quickly put on my biker mask and wolf mask before follwing him. He made his way to the door, opening it. 


"Someone's pissed off. Aren't you happy to see me Tavi?" The strong accent was non other than Natalie. My hands turned into fists, as flashbacks from that night at the party came back into my thoughts.

...What if Tavi's having an affair with her...? Well, it's not my problem, we're not even dating anyway so...

I kinda wish we were...

The door violently opened wider, allowing enough room to let Natalie slip past Tavi without his consent. She quickly made eye contact with me, making me quickly come back to reality.

"O-Oh, Killswitch. I didn't uhm... Know you'd be here..." She glared at me before looking back at Tavi with a completely different look. She stared at Tavi's body, realising that he was just in his boxers before looking back up at him with flirtatious eyes. Oh the nerves of this bitch. "Well Tavi-"

"Octavio." He only replied with a straight face, making her pause for a bit. Oh Tavi, you badass little demon... She glared at his bulge in his boxers once more before making eye contact again.

"O-Octavio, sorry-" She started to fiddle with her fingers as Tavi glared at her with such a disgusted look, before looking back at me, winking. "I was wondering if you'd like to-"

"I've already made plans with Killswitch." Tavi interrupted, looking back at me with a smile before looking back at Natalie. She glared at me before sighing.

"That's ok, I can always wait~" She said seductively as she made her way to Tavi, pressing her hands up to his chest. Tavi gripped onto her wrists and pushed her off of him. He placed a hand on her back and carefully forced her out of his apartment, slamming the door in her face before looking back at me.

"Now, where were we?~" He raised an eyebrow and smirked. I only rolled my eyes in the process, smiling at him before making my way towards him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I placed my index fingertip against the bridge of his nose before speaking.

"I think you ought to tell me what those plans of yours were first." I say, teasingly smiling at him as his smile turned into a frown.

"Oh, solo tienes que burlarte de mí así, ¿no?" He asked, giving me a pissed off look. I only shrugged my shoulders, not understanding what he said. "Well, I need to get your stuff from your apartment, then we can go shopping if you'd like?" He suggested. 

"I don't have the money to go shopping Tavi." I laughed, only for him to give me a glare. 

"Y/N, you really think I'm gonna let you pay for clothes?" He chuckled. "I'll treat you."

I glared at him. "Tavi, I'm not letting you pay."

"But hermosa-"

"Who won the bet?" He sighed in defeat before walking away from me, making me feel slightly bad. "S-Sorry..." I fiddled with my hands, hoping to get a reaction from him. He looked at me before giving off a sad smile back. He walked back up to me, placing one hand on my shoulder and another on my hips. 

"Let me help Y/N..." He whispered. "Me siento mal, I want to help."

Time Skip:

And here we were, shopping for clothes due to the fact that my little ass can't stand up to that sexy speed demon. He dragged me from shop to shop, picking out regular clothes along with fancy ones. The only problem was, was that none of them were my sort of style.

"What about this one, hermosa?" Tavi asked, pulling out a bright pink dress from the rack, making me playfully heave.

"Do I look like a pretty fucking princess to you?" I asked, glaring my eyes at him as I turned back to my side of the store, looking through clothes as well. "I already said Tavi, anything black."

"Why not change? Your not part of a heavy metal band anymore..." He mumbled before looking through the clothes again. I paused at my actions, repeating what he just said in my head.

Your not part of a heavy metal band anymore...

I sighed. He's right, I'm not anymore. So why look like the way I do now?

"Hey, what about this?" I turned my gaze to Tavi, who was holding a black bikini set that had small skulls painted over it. I widened my eyes, looking up at him.

"T-Tavi, that's a bikini..."

"¿Asi que? We have beach parties sometimes, and a hot tub." He adjusted his mask, as if he was worried at what I might say next. I only sighed, walking over to him. He passed it over to me as I checked the size. It's my size too...

"You could try it on, hermosa." He whispered, pointing at the direction of the changing rooms. I must say, it is a nice set... Fuck it, if he's insisting.

Time Skip:

I admired myself in the mirror that hung on the wall in the small changing room. This bikini was amazing, it really made my body look good, and it had an interesting shape to it too which showed off my chest and ass. I giggled to myself in joy.

"Like it, hermosa?~" I heard Tavi say in a low voice on the other side of the curtain.

"I love it." I replied, fixing my breasts slightly. "Wanna see?" I teased.

"¿Es eso siquiera una pregunta? I'd love to~" He said before pulling the curtain open, looking at me up and down. I blushed heavily under my mask at his sudden reaction as he examined my every curve on my body. He walked in before pulling the curtain to, still keeping his eyes on me. I gulped a heavy bit of saliva as he walked past me, making me slightly sad at his action. I turned around, only to notice that he was already sitting on the small bench that occupied one side of the room. His legs were spread slightly as he leaned back into the bench, making him look even more hot than what he already was. He let out a low growl in frustration, as if he was waiting for something. I tilted my head in confusion, until he patted his lap. I blushed under my mask before making my was to him, only for his hands to snake around my hips and push myself onto his lap. He hands squeezed my hips softly as I moaned quietly.

"T-Tavi, we're gonna get into trouble-"

"No me digas que hacer, hermosa..." He mumbled before digging his nails into my hips one more time. "I have a question, mi amor~" I looked up at him before resting my body against his, my core just over his hips. I hummed in reply, instructing him to continue his sentence. He moved his hands to my mask, pulling my wolf mask off and my biker mask down. He looked at my now uncovered face with his goggles, as his hands slid down my neck and to my chest. He rubbed my nipples over the thin silk that hid them before massaging them softly.

"Do you love me?"

My heart stopped. What kind of question was that? How do I answer? Do I even know myself?

All of these thoughts pulled my brain away from reality.

How do I reply?

Octavio's POV:

She just sat there and stared at me with a dumbfounded expression. Great, you fucked up big time, Silva. We both sat there in silence for a minute before she finally spoke.

"I-I don't know, Tavi-"

That was enough for me.

I quickly and carefully pushed her off of me before getting up, leaving the changing rooms as quickly as I could. I could hear her call out my name, but I never looked back.

You don't know what love is, Tavi. You don't know how to treat girls right. All you do is fuck up. You rush into things. It was just a side thing, and now you've ruined it.

I could feel tears staining my goggles as I walked down the street, sobbing quietly.

I've only known her for a week or so, how could I think she loved me? Why does she make me feel different? What is this feeling? Why am I sad? She's just a girl...

But she's different...

And once again, it's my fault on why it's now ruined.

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