Chapter 9 | Woken Up By A Junkie

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I woke up to a loud banging against my door, making me fall out of the bad and onto the floor. I groaned in annoyance. Who the fuck needs me at this hour? I could tell it was early due to the sunrise outside my window. The banging only continued until my phone started to ring through my ears. It must of fell with me due to how loud it was against my eardrums, it felt like someone forced it down my ear and played my ringtone over and over again. I patted the ground in different spots until I found my phone, looking up at it to see who's calling me. Octavio? What does he want.

Wait... Is this about last night...? My cheeks started to burn up as I thought of what he was feeling right now before answering the call, pulling my phone up to my ear.

"Ugh...?" I grunted into the speaker, only earning a chuckle back from the Spanish daredevil.

"Rise and shine, hermosa! Ser rápido, we gotta train you for the games." He exclaimed, how was he this hyper in the early. I only grunted in return before hanging up. I must say, I was pretty disappointed... I was hoping for him to bring up last night, but it is what it is I guess.

After i got into my original clothes along with planting my mask, I ran downstairs and open the door to my apartment, only to have an impatient Octavio look down at me while tapping his foot along with his arms crossed. He didn't look very happy I must say, although I couldn't tell due to his mask and goggles. He looked me up and down before finally saying something.

"My oh my you do get prettier by the day, mi amor." He purred. I closed my door in response.

"You haven't even seen my face, Tavi" I chuckled before looking back at him as we both made our way towards the exit. He just chuckled as he opened the door for me, letting me walk towards the plaza where all the buildings stood before I turned back to him.

"So how and where are we gonna train?" I asked him, only to be ignored.

"Antes que nada. Have you had breakfast? Can't train on an empty stomach, hermosa." I looked up at him. He had a point. I just shook my head no before taking out my phone from my back pocket, before speaking once more. 

"Tavi, it's 5:23 in the morni-" My words stopped as I was dragged across the plaza and down a road that filled with small shops and such. It only took me a few seconds to notice that Tavi was gripping onto my hand tightly as he ran down the road at his fast pace, making it hard for me to catch up. Although, my mind was too busy thinking about how his hand was glued to mine. He never looked back at me either, well, that was until I tripped over something causing me to almost fall face first into the ground. Luckily, however, it was as if he was always there to save me. His hands reached over my chest as he pushed me back up, holding onto my arms slightly as he got down to my level.

"Sorry, chica. I keep forgetting that you don't have legs of steel." He chuckled. "Bueno eso es if you want to have a conversation about trembling legs once more, hm?" He snickered once more before crouching in front of me and pushing me onto his back as he wrapped his arms around my thighs, carrying me as he ran towards our unknown destination.

...W h a t...
How could he say that as if it was nothing at all?!
My body started to heat up once more at the thought of him remembering our conversation from yesterday. Did it not mean anything to him? Did he not care about what we talked of? My train of thoughts were broken as the adrenaline junkie broke the silence between us two.

"Hang on tight, princesa." He said before pulling out a stim from his back pocket. "Your in for one hell of a ride..."

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