Chapter 23 | The Perfect Date

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(Someone buy me this sticker rn or else 🔫)

My ass cheeks feel like fucking ice cubes right now. Trust Tavi to pick a time for our date where warmth doesn't exist, not to mention that he's late. Maybe cutting this dress this short wasn't a good idea...

Before our date I tampered with the dress I wore to that party a little bit. I cut it slightly shorter, along with making a sort of rip affect around the bottom and finishing it off with a few holes on the side of the dress that my jacket covered over. I could feel my teeth chatter away as I held my hands over my arms. At least I'm wearing a mask, my nose could not stand a minute in this cold. by the time I thought I was being ditched for, a voice pulled me away from my thoughts.

"Mierda, I'm so sorry Y/n." I spun around to meet with Tavi. His face looked stressed and his hair stuck to his forhead slightly due to the sweat he produced. He smiled softly at me while pulling out his arm, bouquet in hand, making me instantly fall even more in love with him. He also wore a dark green suit, a suit I've never seen before... God did he look good, and i bet he doesn't even know...

"For someone who likes fast, you're not very good at it huh?" I giggled as I reached for the flowers, however he only pulled them away.

"For being a bitch, you're not getting these now." He spoke sternly as he placed the bouquet behind his back, hiding the flowers. I place my hand over my chest before rolling my eyes, laughing. He smiled back before pulling the flowers back in front of himself. "Para ser honesto, I'm not sure if you like flowers or not, but I assumed you'd like black roses since you're all like..." He lost trail of his words before gesturing his hand towards me. "You know..." I giggled once more before taking the bouquet from his hands. I looked down at the flowers, noticing all kind of ferns and leaves withing the paper, as well as the almost abyss black roses that laid gently over them. I looked up at Tavi in awe.

"Oh Tavi, these are beautiful..." I wrapped my arms around him as he did the same. The warmth of his body quickly took over mine as he towered over me, his head glued to the crook of my neck. His hands sank down to my hips, gripping softly as his breath seeped through my mask and onto my skin. I giggled softly before parting from what seemed like an everlasting hug. "As much as I'd like to continue that hug, I'm bloody starving." 

He only chuckled before replying. "Bueno no es bueno, we better get some food in you then shall we?" He held out his arm to me, which I gratefully took, before leading me down the dark streets. 

After minutes, we stopped outside the same Mexican restaurant where we had our first breakfast together. He opened the door for me as his hand placed itself on the small of my back, guiding me through the busy building. A familiar face lit up almost instantly as we made our way to the counter. The same elderly lady that I met last time we were here.

"Oh Octavio, beinvenidas beinvenidas!" Her innocent smile was enough to lighten both of our moods even more, if that was possible. Her smile grew even wider as she looked at me. "I see Mr.Silva's been giving you a good time huh?" Her uproar laugh echoed throughout the restaurant. I blushed from embarrassment. Maybe... She just meant it in a friendly way...? Come on Y/N don't overthink it-

"I heard a rumour about you two... Getting it on when Killswitch was trying on a cute little bikini-"

"AH WELL DON'T YOU LOOK AT THE TIME, vamos hermosa let's go." He pushed me past the counter as he followed. The lady only laughed once more as her voice slowly faded with the other voices that filled the place. After a few corners, Tavi suddenly pulled me into a hault.

"Uh, Tavi?" My vision was suddenly blackened out by a pair of hands.

"Confía en mí, you're going to love this..." His smooth voiced echoed through the quiet hall before his body pushed up against my back. "Walk forward, I'll tell you when to stop."

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