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A/N - I know it's super late for this but you know. Fudge the rules. I just want to give you a more descriptive, visual thing about the building. You know what idek what I'm doing. On with the prologue. *whispers/sings* everybody put your hands up.
Also idk how companies work. Whatever.


Here. In this building. In this floor. In this moment. In this second. Things wouldn't be considered normal. Not your average every day at the office. Heck, why if I say. Things are the opposite of normal. Sometimes I just think why I'm still working here.

My name is _______. I've worked here for (a #) year(s) and as far as I learned. The company I've entered is just so, well how should I put it. Well, chaotic. Just pure mess. Especially here in the 2nd floor. A.k.a noob trainer 2014-2015.

We have an average of 2 new people each month. There's two floors dedicated to training newcomers. Mine being one of them, other one is floor 5. As I was saying. We first train the basics and rules, although that's pretty much in a book that's about 120 pages long.

Heck, like they actually read it. But it actually comes in handy later. Oh I almost forgot. So, we support other companies. We mainly support small companies. We let them borrow our money and help them grow. If they fail to return money back. We sue them.

Anyways, most companies would go to a bank but we're more reliable since we give more time to pay back with less interest than usual. How did this company start? Well rumor has it that Doflamingo wanted to "help" other smaller companies so he can get sponsor and more people can rely on him boosting his company.

Another rumor has it that Doflamingo "won" the lottery but he literally used his brothers money. He never gave back the money even though the millions of dollars he won. So I guess we're in good shape, we also earn some extra money for advertising other companies.

So, other than that. I would like to tell you how everything here is. Each floor consists on 2 different designs. It's either a big room with desks and a bunch of clutter or walking through they'll be a hallway leading to a big room. Sometimes hallways have rooms to the walls next to them as you walk through.

Then on room 4 is our huge break room (more like a restaurant). Where food is prepared and feasts are made for special events. Each other offices have break rooms too but their not as big and their for like a regular lunch or some snacks. It's a party in the huge break room. Oh, you can also buy Wendy's and stuff, like fast food chains. (Though it's more expensive)

Yeah, it sounds pretty cool but the struggle gets real when it comes to the people in this company. I'm not sure whether I can handle it anymore. Should I quit? Well that I thought until it was those fateful days and moments those guys changed my life.

Well, let's see what else...well that's all for now. I guess author-san can answer other questions. :3

Too lazy to proofread, should I keep writing this?

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