afterstory ★ marco

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a day before new years eve
you have been accepted to Whitebeard's company and act like the last chapter didn't happen


I scrolled through the news app on my phone in my dim lit room. I promised myself that I would use my break wisely and be productive but that is not the case. My phone vibrated in my hand and a notification dropped down from the bottom of my screen.

You up?

An unknown number slid into my messages and I had no idea who it was. I dragged my finger down on the notification and responded to the text.

           Who is this?

I awaited for their response, I hope it wasn't someone dangerous who managed to find my number. My phone buzzed again and new message appeared.

    Is this ______? it's me Marco.

Marco? I tried to search at the back of my head and figure out who this guy was. No one in my mind popped up, I wasn't sure about who he was but I didn't text him back.

As I went back to dilly dallying on my phone another text from this Marco guy appeared.

Hey are you still there?

I ignored his text and continued to scroll down the page I was reading. As I kept reading I reached the bottom of the text and scrolled down to see more, as my thumb flicked the screen it didn't respond.

My thumb scrolled again but before it touched the screen a phone call appeared. My thumb scrolled the accept call button instead and I picked up go a number I wasn't aware.

"Hello?" I hear a voice.

I look at the number and notice that it's the Marco guy. I start to sweat and panic. What should I do, hang up or respond? My body decided to naturally respond and answer to his call.

"Uh, hello?" My voice cracked.

"Hello! It's me Marco, are you busy?" I looked at my phone and the only productive thing I was doing was scrolling down a page.

"Not at all." I let out a sigh as I wished I was, why am I like this.

"Ah great! My coworkers and I are throwing a New Years Eve party if you wanted to come?"

"Coworkers?" My head a bit from how long I've been staring at a screen and it was starting to damage my thinking skills.

"Yeah, Ace told me that you recently were recruited into our company, right?"

At that moment a lightbulb popped over my head and finally everything made sense. Marco was the guy who was jealous of Ace when he was with me.

A sudden shutter went up my spine the day I remember he went to Doflamingo to return something to me.

"Are you still there?" He asked and my heads plummeted from the clouds.

"Oh yeah yeah, of course I'd love to go!" I responded without a thought.

You could hear a laugh over the line and it made my heart warm for a split second.

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