a coincidence 『marco⋆』

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Height: ??? (It doesn't say in wikia)

Joined: Part of the Whitebeard Co. Sales Department

Hobbies: Being a pineapple.

Current Day: Tuesday

How much work does this guy intend to give me? I've had 2 meetings, each lasting 2 old boring hours. Mostly talking about how 3 companies want us to loan money to them, so we have to figure out how much money, interest, more finances, a lot of math, and a hint of magic.

"Ms.________, so you have the papers ready?" Doflamingo said sitting on my desk. Surprisingly he didn't break it, even if he is fit, he's like the tallest here. "Yes, I just need need to print them out." I replied.

From far away was a voice calling for Doflamingo. "Excuse me, is Mr.Doflamingo here?" Doflamingo stood up marking his presence, "Go ahead and print them now, the papers," Doflamingo said walking away to the voice.

I clicked on my files to find the papers. Finding them I clicked on the papers, then going to the top left corner, I clicked the print button, sending the files to the printer. Standing up I heard Doflamingo, looking at his direction I noticed something familiar.

The person he was talking to, it was that blondie that was with Ace last week. What was he doing here? I kept walking towards the printing room, ignoring his existence. At the printer all my papers needed were there. I grabbed them and headed. As I almost opened the door, more papers started to print.

I walked back to the printer in used those were some papers that weren't done printing. I picked the first one and saw that it wasn't part of the stack at all. At the top in bold were the words: Promotion. Promotion? Is some one getting promoted? No, that can't be, you wouldn't need papers.

"Those are my papers-yoi, miss," Someone said behind me. I put the papers back and quickly turned back. "Ah, yes sorry, I didn-" I stopped midway to see it was the blonde guy who was talking, his eyes as widened as mine. What was his name again? Marco wasn't it?

His expression turned back to his usual poker face. "You're still in the way-yoi," Marco said in a cold voice. "Ah, yes sorry." I moved out of the way, standing there dumbstruck. As he grabbed his papers, his eyes averted to me.

"Is there something you need-yoi," he asked making me jump up a bit. "Nothing, I'll be taking my leave." I walked towards the door, exiting from the room. Opening the door I heard a mumble from Marco. "Huh?" I said holding the door halfway open.

"Nothing-yoi," Marco lastly said as I left the room. Getting back to my desk, I noticed here was a new email in my inbox.

Opening it I saw that it was a bill referring to how much a company owns us. Yikes, looks like someone is going to go to court soon. Well how much money have they loaned from us......whatever I don't have time for this. I grabbed the files I printed and putting them in order for them to be prepared for Doflamingo.

Reaching the last few papers I noticed that one of these wasn't like the rest. Not only did it have a different font but on a different topic. Now that you say it, Marco was printing other papers, but how'd it get mixed in? Well, crap they're probably looking all over the place for this paper since there's places where you need to sign. I guess I had no choice but to take it to them.

I knocked on the door to Doflamingo's office. "Ah, excuse me Doflamingo."

"Come in." Doflamingo approved.

Walking in I saw Marco sitting across from Doflamingo with his fingers pointing at the papers and Doflamingo with a pen in hand, both staring at me. What kind of atmosphere is this.

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