afterstory ☆ ace

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warning: this chapter had suggestive topics

【 day before your winter break 】


"A~nd done!" I click the send button and finally finish my work. In an hour I'll be out of this messy place and finally achieve peace. For now I had to keep my productivity going until my break starts. I might as well clean up my work place so I can end my work in an orderly way.

I move my trinkets around and rearrange my desk. As I file some papers in the cabinet an email pops up on my computer. It was from Doflamingo.

Please don't be an email about errors.

I whispered as I sad back down on my seat. The last thing I wanted was a bad day at work to kick of my break. I opened the email and scanned through it.

Urgent, please come to my room immediately ~D

My heart skipped a beat in worries about what this could be about. Even without him physically I could feel the heavy atmosphere around his email. I slowly stood up and walked to his office in a rigid way.

I knocked on his door and awaited for his approval to enter.

"Come in," a muffled voice came trough the door. I opened the door in a slow motion taking a deep breath.

"Is there something you need?" My voice shook a bit and I tried my best to not stutter.

"Yes, please take a seat," he gestures his hand to the rolling chair. I walked over to take a seat, I could feel the pressure in this room steadily grow heavier every second.

"So I received word from an old pal that he's in need of someone," my head tilted a bit as I tried to grasp where this conversation was going. He wasn't angered but neither was he cheerful.

"And of course you're wondering why I pulled you in," I shook my head as my leg fidgeted for an answer.

"Do you remember of some named Ace? I received word that you have interacted with him before?" My shoulders tensed in reaction, was that wrong to do?

"Yes sir, why?" I questioned him.

"Whitebeard earlier this week emailed me and he was accepting applications, and asking me to recommend some of my workers, I of course recommended you," I couldn't tell whether this was going a good or bad path

"Thank you," I acknowledged his praise.

"Well I just heard back from him saying that one of his coworkers, Ace, knew you and boasted about you," my face turned a rosy pink color in response. I didn't know Ace would do that.

"So ______, I would like to say..." he paused for a moment and the awkward silence irritated me a bit.

"Congratulations!" He surprised me as he clapped his hands.

"What for?" I asked.

Doflamingo laughed, "How silly. Whitebeard just recruited you into him team."

I sat there for a moment trying to understand what was going on.

"So you're saying that, I am, you know, my working here anymore?" I try to clear up my confusion.

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