afterstory ★ sanji

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easter week


"How many sweets does a child need? This is outrageous, isn't Halloween enough!" Sanji rants as we walk through the candy section at the local supermarket.

"Sanji, you know this is for the money. Even then they have parents! They can teach them how to control themselves," I remind Sanji about the Easter Egg Hunt our company holds every year for extra money. We rent out a baseball and football field, each on opposite sides of the city. This gives everyone an opportunity to join in.

"I know but what profit is there, we have to rent out the fields, buy the candy, then the eggs!" Sanji continues his exclamation. I try to balance the amount of candy as he keeps complaining and try to find the right amount between chocolate and hard candy.

Apparently Easter will be - nice and sunny day with highs of 78 degrees (Fahrenheit) so I don't have to worry about the chocolates melting. "Skittles or Jolly Ranchers?" I ask Sanji as I scan the aisle.

"You know how I feel about artificial flavoring _____," Sanji let's out a sigh. I shook my head and just randomly picked a bag, "This should be the last of it!" I toss the bag into the sugar stricken cart, "Now to get the eggs!" I march on.

"_____, I really like you but you're killing me right now," Sanji whines. My eyes roll and I turn to look at him, "You're a chef, don't you always come to the supermarket?" Sanji looks down and continued to push the cart along, at last, defeat.

"But I come for fresh ingredients! Not to meet the diabetic monster!" Of course Sanji keeps on complaining, I should've known better to think he stopped. I check my notes on my phone to see how many eggs Doflamingo wanted us to buy.

He sent off 6 groups in the span of 3 days to go buy supplies for the easter hunt. This year easter lands on a Sunday, making our purchases start ever since Wednesday. Today is Friday and it's the last day of buying supplies. Sanji and I, along with another group (Nami and Zoro) were in charge of buying the candy and eggs. I entered the Notes app to see what Doflamingo specifically wanted us to buy.

•Bulk Blue Hinged Easter Eggs
•Bulk Pink Hinged Easter Eggs
•Bulk Purple Hinged Easter Eggs
•Bulk Green Hinged Easter Eggs

—each come in a pack of 144

I wonder around the Easter themed aisles and finally found the eggs. I look at the price tag. and each pack costs $9.49, almost $50 for everything! I guess I can see where Sanji was coming from when he said there isn't any profit coming from this.

"Sanji, over here!" I wave over to Sanji who was still in his own world. He comes and helps me with the packages on to the cart. There wasn't enough space for everything in the cart so we had to put two underneath.

"I'm starting to feel sorry for the cart," Sanji jokes, "are we done now though?" I nod my head and we proceeded to the check out area. It was a bit packed as everyone was preparing for Easter as well but no one was as prepared as we are. I take out the money Doflamingo gave us and made sure it was enough. He gave us a total of $125, and did the same for the other groups. I would pity him for spending this much money but he's richer than all of us.

"Aren't you having an Easter feast," our cashier giggles as she scans our items, "would you like the candy in bags or not?" I think about it and nod my head as a final decision. It would be much easier if we had the candy on bags for the benefit of moving them around.

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