fever 【shanks☁︎】

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Okay so long story short, half of the chapter got deleted since it wasn't synced with my other devices so I had to rewrite all of it so fall of the chapter is different cause of course I don't remember all that so I guess I'll be copying and pasting all of my work before I publish for future references and this won't happen again

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Nickname: Red Haired

Joined:  Founder of Shap© (Cellular Data Plans 'nd Stuff)

Height: rip idk

Hobbies: Helping people out, Sword fighting, Exploring the world

Current Day: Friday

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"It hurts," I mumbled looking at my wrists.


"Here you go," I said tossing the package to Doflamingo.

"Thank youーhey are you okay?"


When I woke up, I wasn't in my room, moreover my house. I sat up to see myself in a meeting room, where I lay on the table. Why was I here? I looked down to see my each wrist wrapped with surgical tape. My wrist, it still ached, but how'd did I end up in the situation?

My pain was prolonged with a fever. I got of the hard, polished, wood table and tried to stabilize myself. I heard the doorknob turn, it opened to a tall, lean, redhead guy. He looked at me with a surprised look, his eyes gazed at me.

"You woke up!" he said setting things on the table.

"Um, who are, and what am I doing here?" I asked him.

"Well I was here to meet Doflamingo but when I entered I saw you in his hands, blacked out so I helped you. Here take these."

He handed me a cup of water along with some pills. I accepted them but I just looked at them. "Is something wrong?" He questioned. I looked up to him only to notice a scar on his left eye which I couldn't see from afar.

"I don't even know your name, why should I take these," I said.

He gave me the 'really' look but then smiled once again. "My names Shanks, owner and founder of the company Shap."

I stared at him with a blunt face, I tilted my head a bit due to confusion. He looked at me with a panicked face. "Do you not know me?" he said.

I shook my head, "Oh, I do know you. I'm just not in a mental or physical state to accept that a big shot is standing right next to me."

Shanks let out a chuckle. "Well then, anyways you should take the pill, I don't want to you get any worse than you already are."

The pill and water sat on the table. I looked at it with an insecure face but just took them, I could sue him if he did try to drug me. "So anyways how did I end up in this situation," I continued.

"Same way I ended up with this scar," Shanks responded.


"I noticed that your wrists were bruised or as I thought. It took me a moment to notice that you were poisoned, don't worry you won't die, but you must of been kidnapped by the Blackbeard's gang? Well let's just say I fought them and ended with them up with this scar."

"Ugh," I stuttered, "whom you talk about?"

Shanks looked at me with a suprised face. "You're saying went to the outskirts of the city unknowingly of Blackbeard's gang?"

I shook my head or didn't, I thought. My vision began to blur, along with losing my balance, I swear if this is because of the pills Shansk better consider himself dead.

"Hey! Are you okay?" Shanks blurted running towards me. I tipped over plopping down on Shanks chest, his hands wrapping around me. It was warm, unlike the room which was always kept cool but his warmth wasn't the fever type but a heart warming one.

"Hey, _____." Shanks shook me a bit and I rubbed my eyes making myself fully aware of the situation I was in. Without thinking I pushed him away quickly, breathing a bit hard in return he started laughing.

"Man, aren't you a funny one," he said running his hand across his bright red hair, it was almost unnatural. A vibration was heard being hit against the table, Shanks walked over to his phone in which he stopped it.

"Well I've got to go, just leave once you're feeling better, be safe and don't get kidnapped again." Shanks joked.

"Very funny." I responded along with a smirk. He waved goodbye as he left the room, lastly hearing the echoes of the door shutting. I sat there with remnants of warmth from Shanks still surrounding me. I guess it was time to leave since I had no purpose on being here, I felt better to drive home.

I secretly walked back to my desk trying not to get noticed by anyone. Carefully I packed my things, as I did a voice startled me.

"Leaving so soon?" Law said leaning against the desk. I couldn't really tell him anything because I was afraid he would tell others which would create useless worrying fir something that I've a,ready been cured for.

"Just a strep throat, nothing much," I lied with a fake sick tone. A smug look came across Law's face.

"Well, I could help you with that." He winked at me, acting childish.

"No thank you, I'll be leaving now, if you don't mind." I took my bags and exchanged goodbyes.

Once I got home I plopped down on my bed and look up at the ceiling. Something in my gut made me feel like something is wrong, it turned out I was hungry. I ordered pizza even though I was sick but nothing goes wrong with pizza.


published 12/1/15

republished 12/19/15


twitter: @nozoelii

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