bar 【doflamingo♫】

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Nickname: Doffy

Joined: 2 1/2 years ago

Height: I don't even want to know. (Let's just say he's 6'7") (Hes actually like 3 meters tall. Just Why)

Hobbies: Being a creep

Current Day: Wednesday

You could say that I should be working but instead I'm here in a bar that's reserved just for us. I'm not saying that everyone went, it was just our floor and a couple other people that Doflamingo decided to invite. It was around 9 o'clock, 1 hour after our 'celebration' started. I could already see some people not doing so well.

"Would you like something to drink? It seems you haven't had anything but water, one drink wouldn't hurt," said the bartender whose name was Makino as seen on her name tag. I shook my head in response but that wasn't enough to convince.

"Come on ________, don't be so dull, one drink wouldn't hurt." Doflamingo forced me as he walked up to where I was and took a seat right next to me. He looked at Makino as she nodded, walking towards me, taking my cup filling it with (any alcoholic drink you want). I glared at Doflamingo only to get a grin in response.

"Here you go," Makino said sliding the drink over to me. I stared at it with an insecure face but in the end I ended up with a drink in my hand. Doflamingo nudged me as if he was trying to say 'Come on, I know you want to drink it'. I took a big gulp, bitter it tasted with a very strong flavor. Of course Dofamingo had a smug look that was up to no good.

"See it wasn't that bad was it?" said Doflamingo getting up from the chair. "Well don't drink too much, I'm not dealing with you if you get sober or drunk," lastly said Doflamingo walking away to his group. Idiot, like I'm going to get drunk, but I am going to deal with drunk people, boy won't this be fun. I just took a sip from my drink and observed everyone else.

Of course Zoro could drink as much as he wants without getting drunk, Nami was more like she didn't care how much she drank but it doesn't have much affect. Robin, took a few sips but not much, I wonder how she keeps her composure around all this chaos, here and at work. Luffy was more towards the giggly/loud type of drunk.

Looking around I saw Law hanging out with, wait Doflamingo invited Kid? Well anyways Law and Kid did drink quite a bit, I'm not sure whether they're supposed to be fighting or laughing. Maybe they have a love-hate friendship? Well whatever one things for sure is that they're drunk.

I averted my eyes to Doflamingo's group who were laughing. Something caught my eye, I noticed that sitting in front of him was a guy a bit taller than Doflamingo, he had a white bandana over his head with a black colored pattern following with a white beard, he looked so familiar. Other than that I noticed that Ace and Marco were with him, how many people did this guy invite? Whatever but why are they connected to me in a way?

I took another sip from my drink and before I knew it I finished it all. "Mind if I fill that up for you?" Makino said as she put away cups. I nodded as she took away my cup and refilled it. "Here you go," she lastly said. I wasn't going to drink that much, and that's a fact, well until I finished my second cup. It was until then I guess I couldn't control myself. That's when I couldn't control my actions.

Getting up from my chair with my drink I sat over with Kid and Law. The both looked at me with a confused look. A smirk grew across Law's face as he slung his shoulder around me, starling me a bit. "Coming back for more, _______?" Law said, leaving Kid alone.

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