sakura 『luffy|spinoff♥︎』

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A/N : Well the story consists on a person each day (if you saw my updates I added a "current day" on each chapter) This is just a little one-shot I did away from the story and you know. Well yeah like that. Not to make it confusing but I'm not doing a person twice in the main story. They'll be an after story but yeah that's for later. On with the story.

(Spinoff's will only take place on Saturdays and Sunday's e.t.c)  (like in the story not in really life)

Current Day: Saturday

I awoke to the sound of my phones ringer throughout my room. I let out a groan and took my sheets off and walked to the drawer. I rubbed my eyes and checked to see who it was. At the top it read the name 'Luffy'

What does he want at this time of the morning? Moreover when did I give him my number?

I answered his call and brought the cellphone up to my ear.

"Ohayo __________! I know but this is asking a lot or well.....I don't know but do you want to go out this morning." Luffy started off with a cheery voice but with a hint of embarrassment.

"Ohayo Luffy, yeah, I have time, where would you like to go?" I replied.

"I thought of having breakfast somewhere, but I don't know where...."

If you don't know then you should've called me when you did!

I giggled and remembered back when I first encountered him at the printer room. His corner of his lip had sprinkles all over it. Wait that's it! Now what was that donut shop called?

"Um....Luffy, why don't we go to that donut shop?"

"Ah great idea! You mean Saukura Sweets? I heard their pastries are delicious, especially their decorations, they're the best in the city!" Luffy bursted out, I could already see his eyes sparkling.

"Great! I'll meet you there at," I quickly looked the clock and estimated the amount it'll take for me to get ready, "I'll be there at 9:00a.m."

"Actually, can I pick you up?" Luffy asked, this time you can notice the embarrassment. I smiled and replied saying yes

"Great, then it's settled! See ya at 9 sharp."

"Okay, see ya, bye for now"

"Bye ________!"

We hung up and I went to my closet to pick out some clothes, to be asked out like that, I know I shouldn't be fretting over it and make a big deal about it, but at the same time I do.

time skip

I walked to the kitchen and checked the time on the microwave.


"Phew~" Just enough time time to spare. I sat on the couch and waited the for him to come.


I heard a knock on the door that startled me. He actually wasn't lying on being on time. I grabbed my purse with my keys in it and went to the door.

I opened it to see Luffy wearing his casual wear. A red jacket opened to see his white t-shirt and some loose fit jeans that was supported with a belt that had a skull on it. I walked out and closed the door behind me, locking them with my keys. I looked at Luffy to see a grin plastered across his face.

He's really happy to be going out with someone.

"Morning _______, shall we get going?" Luffy said as he turned his body to his car. I nodded and we walked to his car. Luffy opened the door for me and I gave him my thanks. On the way the we talked about our doings, and a bit of gossip going on in the office.

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