Chapter 4

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Penelope pov

The two of us have finished having dinner.

Waaah! Salmon daikon is really amazing!

Though after everything I was forced to eat by Emily, anything would taste good to me....

But still! It was so tasty!

We were walking through town and looking at souvenirs.

Just then Giyuu stopped.

I looked at him, confused.

"This way." - Giyuu

He took my hand and walked towards an accessory stall.

He paused to look at something.

I peeked over his shoulder to see what it was.

I smiled brightly upon realizing what it was.

A lovers necklace!

But then I frowned.

I glanced at him.

Does he already have someone......?

It could be..... Giyuu is such a great guy.... Of course he'd have a lover....

"Excuse me. I'd like to get that." - Giyuu

"Oh! You have keen eyes, sir! These is a lovers necklace! This one is made from a very rare gemstone! This color, a gentle blend between blue and green is hard to get." - Shopkeeper

I stared at the necklace with a crestfallen face.

I wish.... someday....

He paid the shopkeeper and then turned to look at me.... and held the necklace, so that the front was facing him.

My eyes widened a bit.

Cou-Could it be.....

My breath hitched.

Everything around me seemed to slow down.

He then put the necklace around my neck. 

"They look like your eyes. Pretty." - Giyuu

I blushed hard and I knew that my face matched my hair.
(Is this scene cringe? I feel like it is but I'm too lazy to rewrite it)

The shopkeeper chuckled.

"Aaah... young love......" - Shopkeeper

I was starting to get flustered as I began fiddling my fingers.

Giyuu took my hand and we began walking.

I wish he had given it to me knowing what it meant.

The lovers necklace is usually used in the engagements between secret lovers. The ones that are not approved by the family.

But it is also used in confessions.

A man gives this necklace to a girl and she knows of his love for her. Even if he doesn't say anything. 

But the case here is different... he doesn't know what it means.

....guess we just can't have everything we want..... Still.... its improvement, I guess....

"Umm... Giyuu...?" - Penelope

"Hmm?" - Giyuu

"I have a question. Is it alright if I ask you?" - Penelope

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